  • 期刊


Content Analysis of Customer Satisfaction and Complaint in C2C Internet Auction in Taiwan-an Example of Yahoo Auction Website




In this study, we tried to describe the profiles of customer satisfaction and complaints when they auctioned on websites for the reference of improvement of C2C online auction sites and people who participated in that transactions. This study chose Yahoo Auction Website, the largest auction website nationwide, and used content analysis to analyze information downloaded from the BBS and appraisal area of the commodity regarding books and clothes. The 'category' was developed on the basis of ECUSI,.In the BBS, the results showed that the ratio of complaint to Yahoo Auction Website on the two items of 'customer service' and 'data management and rights of privacy' was higher on the part of buyers than that of sellers'. The ratio of 'auction operation' of sellers was higher than that of buyers either within the group or between the groups. The ratio of 'using balance mechanism' and 'rational transaction' to the buyers was higher than to the sellers either within the group or between the groups. In appraisal area, the results revealed that the frequencies of customer satisfaction and complaint were determined by personalization of products for the category of 'seller's information providing', 'seller's customer service' and 'package' and the category of 'buy's 'rational transaction”. However, in the comparison of different classes but the same category, only the category of 'rational transaction' in terms of the overall and non-personalized products had higher satisfaction on the part of buyers than sellers. In this study, we also compared the difference of customer complaint between BBS of Yahoo auction and its appraisal area and found that the ratio of the category of 'seller's information providing' was quite high in those two areas. As for complaint on the part of buyers, the category of 'buyer's rational transaction' had exhibited higher ratio of complaint than the category of 'using balance mechanism' in the appraisal area with the same result found in the BBS of Yahoo Auction. The results of this study provided information concerning the items of satisfaction versus complaint the Internet Auction customers towards buyers, sellers and the platforms as well as the potential relationship between these items and personalized products. Moreover, from the perspective of ”two factor theory”, this study had also identified the satisfactory ”motivation factor/motivators” and the unsatisfactory ”hygiene factors” which influenced the Internet Auction customers. The research results can be used as a basis for the academic field exploring customer satisfaction and complaint of C2C auction; moreover, it can also be used as important reference for sellers, buyers and auction websites.


