  • 期刊


An Experience of Assisting an Immigrant Woman with Caesarean Section in Breastfeeding


本文主要描述一位新移民婦女剖腹產後哺餵母乳之經驗,護理期間為民國101 年6月11~16日,以Gordon 11項健康功能評估為指引,採觀察、溝通、會談及身體評估,收集個案資料,確立三項護理問題為:(1)疼痛、(2)言辭溝通障礙、(3)低效性母乳哺餵。筆者於照護期間扮演傾聽者及照護者角色,協助個案面對第一次哺餵母乳,給予衛教單張提供哺乳相關知識並從旁輔助,並安排與同國籍產婦做交流,同時給予鼓勵與支持,使個案感到興趣,並從中獲得成就感,且得到家屬支持哺餵母乳的肯定,促使個案適應產後生理、心理、社會、靈性各層面,提升其護理品質,希望經由此次的護理經驗能夠提供護理同仁日後照護此類個案的參考。


This article describes the experience of assisting a Vietnamese immigrant woman in breastfeeding after her caesarean section. The nursing period was from June 11 to 16, 2012. The Gordon Functional Health Pattern Assessment Tool was used as a guideline for data collection. Through observation, conversation, interviews, and physical assessment, three major problems were identified: pain, a communication barrier, and ineffective breastfeeding. The author, playing the role of both listener and caregiver, assisted the patient in breastfeeding for the first time. Education pamphlets regarding breastfeeding, assistance with breastfeeding, and the arrangement of a post-partum woman who spoke the same language were all provided. Additionally, the author also provided encouragement and support to make the patient interested in breastfeeding. With the family's support and reassurance, the patient adapted well in physiological, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects. The author hopes that this nursing experience can serve as a reference for future clinical personnel who encounter similar cases.
