  • 期刊


The Union Action under the Commercialized Image Labor: An example of Documentary Media Worker Unioon


工會乃是保障工人權益的勞動者組織,然而台灣過去對於工會的研究多集中在產業工會身上,認爲職業工會只是「勞健保工會」而無其他功能。本文認爲在民主化後所成立的職業工會其實是有一個能動性存在的,而這個能動性是什麼,是本論文試圖透過實際的個案經驗去探討和理解的。 在案例選擇上,本文以民主化後所成立的紀錄片從業人員職業工會爲例;將研究重點放在影像勞動的特質與如何被「商品化」,以及紀錄片工作者因而面臨的市場風險,並檢視其中紀錄片職業工會以何種市場行爲作爲回應,其性質與角色又出現了哪些過去職業工會所沒有的功能。 本文發現,紀錄片職業工會作爲紀錄片工作者的集體組織,試圖藉由各項市場行爲,例如制定定型化勞動契約、成立發行平台等方式,來影響與自身利益相關的市場關係、增加該職業在市場上的影響力,藉此來保障自身的勞動權益,而這些作爲對於會員也產生了與過去不同的意義,並且和勞工的個別勞動、就業保障上產生一定程度的連結。


A labor union is an organization formed for the protection of labor rights. In Taiwan, most researches related to the subject of labor unions concentrate on the industrial union rather than the craft union. These works consider a craft union's functions to be limited to ensuring workers' labor and health insurance. This article deems that craft unions founded after democratization would display some interesting dynamics; accordingly, it aims to examine these dynamics by undertaking a case study. Documentary Media Worker Union founded after democratization was chosen for the analysis. This article focused on the characteristics of image labor, how does it get commercialized, and the market risk faced by documentary workers; at the same time, I examine the market behavior of the Documentary Media Worker Union, and if there are any characteristics or functions beyond those craft unions designated by the state. The study found that Documentary Media Worker Union functioned as collective organizations of documentary workers, attempting to influence market relations and enhance their occupational influence through various market behaviors, like set standard labor contract, establish publishing channel. Through these activities, they could protect their own working rights. These activities also lent new connotations to occupational labor, especially in context of public participation and the image of the craft union; in addition, the activities influenced individual work and the employment protection of labor.


邱祖胤,2006/09/26,〈一群人的希望工程,他們這樣繁殖紀錄片〉,《中國時報》,浮世繪∕E8 版。
梁玉芳,2007/07/02,〈工會相挺拍紀錄片,何必典當自己〉,《聯合報》,A6 版。


