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Don't Laugh, or Your Attitude Would Be Revealed from Reading Jokes: Adjustment Theory of Disparagement Humor Appreciation


本研究目的在建構及驗證貶抑類幽默感知之態度調整理論(the adjustment theory of disparagement humor appreciation)。理論假設個體會因不同態度傾向而對貶抑不同對象的笑話有不同幽默感知評價。本研究使用三個實驗,分別操弄受試者對不同省籍態度、不同政黨(泛藍/泛綠/無黨籍)及不同政黨特定候選人(馬英九/李應元/無明顯支持對象)之態度,並觀察不同態度之受試者對貶抑不同省藉、政黨或候選人之笑話好笑評價。結果顯示:(1)不同省籍態度傾向者在貶抑本省人、外省人笑話之好笑評價上不顯著;(2)支持泛綠的受試者對貶抑泛藍之笑話好笑評價顯著高於貶抑泛綠之笑話好笑評價,不過,支持泛藍及無黨籍的受試者在貶抑泛藍、泛綠笑話之好笑評價則無顯著差異;(3)支持馬英九的受試者對貶抑李應元之笑話好笑評價顯著高於貶抑馬英九之笑話好笑評價,反之亦然。從結果可知,本研究大致符合「貶抑類幽默感知之態度調整理論」之預測,未來可嘗試將議題移至性別、人格或刻板印象的態度研究上,以瞭解理論的適當性及適用範圍。

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study is to formulate and testify the adjustment theory of disparagement humor appreciation. This theory hypothesized that people with different attitudes toward the subject that humor disparages would have different humor appreciation. This study contains three experiments; manipulating attitudes toward province, party and candidate respectively to examine the hypothesis. All three experiments used two independent variables-different attitudes toward the subjects that humor disparages and humor that disparages different subjects; one dependent variable-the assessment in different disparagement humor; two control variables-between subjects counter balancing design (using two kinds of questionnaires) and using neutral jokes as the co-variable. Results were as follows: (a) Experiment 1 showed no distinct humor appreciation in attitudes toward different provinces; (b) Experiment 2 demonstrated that although subjects favoring DPP had higher humor appreciation when reading jokes that disparage the KMT, subjects favoring KMT or neutral had no difference in humor appreciation when reading the jokes that disparage the KMT or DPP; (c) Experiment 3 found that the subjects favoring Major. Ma had higher humor appreciation when reading jokes that disparage Mr. Li, and vice versa. It seems that our theory could approximately discriminate people with different attitudes. Issues of sex, personality or stereotype might be further examined in the future.


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