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The Sitiuation of the Community People Attending Osteoporosis Screen Program in Changhua Area


骨質疏鬆症像個無形殺手,不得不加以防範。本研究針對彰化市參與骨質密度篩檢之30歲以上民眾進行隨機抽樣,以問卷為工具,於超音波骨質檢查前,採面對面指導填寫或指導後自行填寫方式,目的在探討其相關因素,以為參考,進而達到初級預防之功能。共收集1000份有效樣本,結果顯示: 1.參與者之中,男性佔28.6%,平均無齡58.37歲;女性平均年齡48.74歲。而輕/中度骨量不足者佔47.7%、嚴重骨量不足者佔7.9%。 2和骨質密度值顯著相關的因子有:吃全素、停經、曾被診斷有骨質疏鬆、抽煙、服用葯物、疾病等;而在性別、喝酒、運動、喝牛奶等並無顯著差異。 3.男女性在生活型態中的抽煙、喝酒、咖啡、牛奶攝取方面有顯著差異;男性抽煙、喝酒比例較高,而女性咖啡及牛奶攝取較多。 4.根據統計:年齡愈大者骨密度值愈低、常期服用藥物及有慢性病的比例愈高,且在自我保健方面愈積極。可見民眾大多在有健康威脅時,才主動採取積極的保健措施;這也是身為社區護理人員及基層健康推廣者,所最該積極推廣及衛教宣導的。


Osteoporosis is like an unsuspected killer that you need to be extra vigilant. This present study was undertaken in Chang-Hua city from the residents of 30y/o and above. Using questionnaire before any osteoporosis instructions or advises, to evaluate the different factors or seasons as guide for early prevention. 1000 people were randomly included in this study. The important results were as following: 1. The study consisted 28.6% of male that were 58.37 years in average. The average age of included female were 48.74 years. In the study, 47.7% were mild osteoporosis and 7.9% were severe osteoporosis. 2. The relevant factors with hone marrow density were totally vegetarian. menopause, history of osteoporosis, smoking, long term of medicine taking, chronic disease. BMD was not relevant with gender difference, alcohol consumption, habit of exercise and milk taking. 3. There were prominent gender differences in smoking, alcohol consumption. coffee consumption and milk taking. There were mote males that smoke and drink. There were more females that have coffee and milk. 4. The older, the lower the BMD are. The people with chronic disease and long term of medicine taking were more positive and active in disease prevention and health protection. Visibly. most people would take aggressive health Promotion action only when they meet the health threatening. Therefore, this is the most important topic that we community nursing and basic health workers should promote first.
