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Substance Abuse and Underlying Factors Among Dropout


目標:本研究目的是估計桃園中輟生物質濫用之比率及調查使用成癮藥物的種類,並探討中輟生物質濫用之影響因素。方法:於桃園地區國中學校對中輟復學生作問卷調查,及在桃園少輔院全面發放問卷。又採病例對照研究(病例組為皆使用菸、酒、成癮藥物三種物質,對照組為皆不使用菸、酒、成癮藥物中輟生)探討中輟生物質濫用之影響因素。結果:於2006 年3 月至2006 年10 月間得有效問卷500 份(92.1%),246 份來自少輔院,254 份來自中輟復學生。全部中輟生的抽菸者比率為63.6%(95%CI= 60.0%-67.4%),喝酒比率為60.0%(95%CI = 55.3%-63.9%),使用成癮藥物的比率為32.0%(95%CI = 27.9%-36.1%)。在使用成癮藥物種類方面,使用比率最高為卡門、搖頭丸、安非他命。單變量分析結果顯示,族群(少輔院中輟生、中輟復學生)、性別、年齡、班上排名、期望最高學歷、工作經驗、目前零用錢數目、父母婚姻狀況、輟學因素(個人、家庭、學校、社會)在病例與對照組有差異。邏輯式複迴歸向前法結果顯示,同儕間活動場所總分、家中討厭被人管、班上排名後段及年齡大為中輟生物質使用重要影響因子。結論:桃園的中輟生物質濫用比率偏高,可從學生個人、同儕、家庭、學校因素來思考降低青少年輟學,進而降低物質濫用。


中輟生 物質濫用 危險因子


Objectives: The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence and type of substance abuse among dropouts in Taiwan, and to explore the risk factors associated with substance abuse among dropouts. Methods: A questionnaire (self-reported) survey was used to obtain the prevalence and type of substance abuse among dropout students who returned to junior high schools in Taoyuan, northern Taiwan and the dropouts from Taoyuan Reform School. A case-control study was adopted to examine the factors associated with using substances by comparing the case group (students who had used tobacco, alcohol, and addictive drugs) to the control group (students who had never used tobacco, alcohol, or addictive drugs). Results: From March 2006 to October 2006, 500 valid questionnaires (92.1%) were collected, including 254 dropout students who returned to school and 246 from the reform school. The overall prevalence of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, and addictive drugs among the dropouts were 63.6% (95%CI=60.0%-67.4% , 60.0% (95%CI=55.3%-63.9%), and 32.0% (95%CI=27.9%-36.1%), respectively. Ketamine, methylenedioxy– methamphetamine (MDMA) and amphetamine were the three most popular addictive drugs reportedly used by our participants. Univariate analysis revealed there were several risk factors associated with substance abuse: school (regular school vs. reform school), sex, age, academic ranking, the highest expected degree, job experience, amount of pocket money, marital status of parents, frequency of their peers who hung around public places, and reason for dropping out of school (personal, family, school, society). Multiple logistic regression with forward selection revealed the sum of frequency of their peers who hung around public places, family reason for dropping out because of opposition to being disciplined, academic ranking, and age were significant factors associated with substance abuse. Conclusions: The prevalence of substance abuse in Taiwan was high among dropouts. We recommend providing or increasing resources to help solve the problems of dropouts to reduce the rate of substance abuse.


dropout substance abuse risk factors


