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Analysis of Emergency Medical Services for Large-scale Activities-The Experience of 2010 Mazu Cultural Festival in Taiwan


背景及目的:每年農曆三月大甲鎮瀾宮「天上聖母」之遶境進香活動為海線地區甚至係整個宗教界最重大的盛事,為全台灣規模最大、最獨特的民間信仰,故藉由2010年媽祖文化節之慶典活動進行此緊急醫療救護之相關研究,期能對日後大型相關活動及相關之節慶活動之醫療救護有所幫助。方法:本調查研究係利用隨行之醫療救護站、救護車行緊急醫療救護的同時,予病患本身同意下行使問卷調查;本問卷採自擬式結構式問卷,經由五位急診醫學科醫師型專家效度(CVI:0.83),利用隨行之醫護人員統一進行問卷收集,並於行程出發前行受試者問答之前測,以達問卷收集之一致性、並增加資料來源之可信度。問卷收集後經由SPSS 12統計軟體進行資料之統計與分析。結果:本調查研究結果發現雖為九天八夜之遶境活動行程,但有42%的病患係於第六至第九天時求醫,而求醫病患中需後送的初步診斷分析發現:撕裂傷、發抖、下肢外傷、燒燙傷有其顯著差異性。就受傷原因別之分析顯示鞭炮炸傷佔第一位,顯現出其顯著差異性,F檢定為26.21(p=0.000),從研究調查中發現到此受傷原因別不同於一般的大型活動之緊急醫療救援。結論:建議此研究結果可以應用到後續的大型相關之醫療救護活動,事先規劃大型醫療活動之流程及醫療救護路線圖,確保大量傷患不幸發生時的緊急應變能力並依此研究建立爾後醫療救護站之最適駐點,及加強推廣救護站救護醫療資源及隨行救護車之醫療服務,導入電子資訊醫療救護支援系統,隨時掌握救護病患資訊,期望藉由文化活動進行的同時,不僅能提升國際知名度更能提升大型活動之緊急醫療救護品質。


Background and Purpose: Occurring every March on the lunar calendar, the pilgrimage and incense-offering activities of ”Heavenly Holy Mother” of Dajia Jenn Lann Temple are regarded as one of the most important events in the coastal areas and religious circles of Taiwan. The scale of the event is the largest in Taiwan with its wide array of unique folk religions. Studies on emergency medical services are being proposed in the context of 2010 Dajia Mazu Cultural Festival. They are intended to benefit the medical services related to large-scale activities and festivals in the future. Methods: With patients' consent, questionnaires were distributed to the patients and this investigative study was conducted with the accompanying medical aid stations and ambulances performing emergency medical services. The questionnaire applies a self-structured format where five emergency specialists evaluated its Content Validity Index (CVI: 0.83). The accompanying nursing staff members collected the questionnaires and trained the respondents for the enquiries before aiming to retrieve consistent data and increase its degree of reliability. The collected data was processed using SPSS 12 software for statistical analysis. Results: Though the pilgrimage itineraries lasted 9 days and 8 nights, the study found 42% of patients sought medical help on day 6 and day 9.The initial diagnosis of the evacuated patients indicates a significant positive correlation emerges among lacerations, chills, lower limb injuries, and burns. The analysis of the causes of injuries suggests firecracker burns top the list, revealing a positive correlation with an F-test score of 26.21(p=0.000). Therefore, the cause of firecracker injury differs from other emergency medical services related to large-scale activities. Conclusion: The results of the study can be applied to subsequent large-scale activities requiring medical services. The procedures and route map for large-scale medical services should be planned ahead to ensure sufficient capabilities for emergency responses in the event of a mass casualty incident, set up proper locations for medical aid stations, provide aid stations with medical resources, promote the accompanying medical services with ambulance transport, and introduce an electronic data support system for medical treatment while keeping abreast of patients' latest information. These measures are expected to not only raise Taiwan's international reputation, but also raise the quality of emergency medical services for large-scale activities by means of cultural activities.
