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Information Literacy and Related Factors of the Nurses in the Medical Healthcare System


研究目的:探討臨床護理人員之資訊素養能力及其相關因素。研究方法:採橫斷式調查法,經人體試驗委員會核准後,調查中南部某醫療體系三家區域教學醫院臨床護理人員,回收有效問卷共613份,有效回收率94.31%。研究發現:(1)護理人員資訊素養能力平均強度3.91分(最高為5分),資訊素養各構面平均強度得分3.83 ∼ 3.99之間,得分最高為「網路基礎」,平均3.99,「應用資訊行為」次之,平均得分3.98,而以「醫療資訊系統知識」平均得分最低3.83分。(2)護理人員資訊素養能力因個人背景因素而有差異;其中「年齡」、「教育程度」、「護理總工作年資」、「職務」、「職級」、「曾經學習電腦課程」及「每週平均使用電腦時間」等7個變項之資訊素養能力達顯著差異;而「居住地是否有個人電腦」、「是否曾參加院外教育」及「是否曾參加院內教育」等3個變項則未達顯著差異。(3)醫院資訊發展程度與護理人員資訊素養能力成正相關,以逐步迴歸分析發現,其預測臨床護理人員資訊素養之模式,解釋力為34.4%。結論:建議醫院宜多舉辦資訊科技之教育訓練,尤其是電腦軟體操作能力,以提升護理人員資訊素養能力,並應用於改善病人照護的流程及時效。


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting nurses' information literacy. Background: Nursing staff with good information literacy can strengthen nursing care quality and improve administrative efficiency. Investigators have emphasized the importance of nurses' information literacy in the successful care of patients. Therefore, exploring the factors affecting nurses' information literacy is a important subject in nursing care practice. Method: A cross-sectional study design was used to examine the variables of nurses' information literacy in this study. There were a total of 613 participants recruited from a medical healthcare system in central-southern Taiwan who completed the investigator-developed structured questionnaires. Findings: The findings indicated (1) the mean score of information literacy was 3.91 (highest score 5) (2) the factors affecting the nurses' information literacy include age, educational level, total working years, position in the professional hierarchy, computer operation learning courses, and their time spent per week using a computer, and (3) there was a significant correlation between the information technology level of the hospital itself and nurses' information literacy. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest the hospital should conduct more workshops and educational courses on information science and technology; particularly in computer software operating skills to promote the nursing staff's information literacy.


