  • 期刊


Exploring the Benefits of Intermediate Care in a Nursing Home in Taiwan


行政院衛生署於2009年推出一項有關中期照護之實驗計畫,共委託七家護理之家進行此項計畫。本文為其中一家獨立型態之護理之家,針對2009年8月至2010年1月收案12位個案之照護需求作分析,結果發現50%的個案有營養介入之需求;三分之一的個案有積極性復健需求;41%個案有傷口照護需求;50%個案有氣切、鼻胃管或尿管照護需求,在這些個案中,有2位成功地移除尿管;58%的個案有監測血糖的需求,一位有疼痛處理之需求。 結果發現從醫院轉入之個案有多重專業照護需求,目前全民健保並未給付中期照護之費用,病人可能直接由醫院回家,有許多專業照護需求會被忽視,專業人員應重視這種情況。假如政府未來將考慮中期照護給付,那些指標將用以評估中期照護之成效將是一個挑戰性的議題,值得醫療專業團隊研究探討。


The Ministry of National Health of R.O C. initiated an intermediate care experimental program in August 2009. One of the 7 nursing homes which were delegated to join this program made an report of the benefits of the program. The data collection period is from 1(superscript st) Aug. 2009 to 31(superscript st) Jan. 2010. 12 cases were selected. The result found that 50% of the patients have nutrition problem; One third of the patients have rehabilitation service demand by which the activities of daily living can be improved; 42% of the patients have wound care demand; 50% of patients have trachea tube care and/or nasal gastric tube care and/or urethral tube care demand. Among these cases, two urethral catheters have been removed successfully. 58% of cases have sputum care demand. 58% of patients have blood sugar monitor demand. One case has pain control demand. Results show that the patients admitted to nursing home from hospitals have multiple demands for professional care. For the present, the National Health Insurance Program does not provide intermediate care payment to clients. The patients might choose to go back home directly after discharging from hospital. The health care demands which ignored by this health care system should be notified by the health professionals. If the government plans to establish the payment system for intermediate care in the future, what variables would be the index of the effectiveness of the program is still in need of research.


intermediate care care needs nursing home


