  • 期刊


To Explore the Impact Factors of Stress in the Caregivers of Spinal Cord Injury: From the Perspective of Ecological System




Caregivers of spinal cord injury patients experience enormous levels of stress when caring for the patients. As a consequence of this stress, they will display physical, psychological, and behavioral changes, which can even manifest as discomfort. This can in turn impact of the quality of care received by spinal cord patients. Based on the framework of the ecological system theory, we conducted a literature review to examine potential factors which could impact the caregivers of spinal cord injury patients. Gender, age, education level of caregivers, the daily activity of the spinal cord injury patients and their family's financial situation are the impact factors in the microsystem. Employment and social support are the major factors in the intermediate and the peripheral system respectively. The traditional value of division of labor by gender and the length after spinal cord injury are the main impact factors in the macrosystem. The present article provides nurses with an insight into the potential factors affecting the stress levels experienced by caregivers of spinal cord injury patients; this in turn helps nurses to provide appropriate care to reduce the stress. This article also indicates a new direction for research regarding caregiver health.
