  • 期刊


Home Care Experience for a Client with the Spinal Tumor and Urinary Catheter




The purpose of this article was to discuss the caring experience of a 45-year-old subject who was inserted urinary catheter leading to low activity and progressing rigidity of extremities after spinal cord tumor operation. The period of nursing care was from October 13 to December 27, 2013. Clinical observation, interview and direct care were used guided by Gordon's 11-item health assessment to identify nursing problems. The major nursing problems were catheter related urinary tract infection, physical disability and readiness for enhanced family coping. "Lower urinary tract symptoms" disappeared by appropriate catheter care, cranberry tablets and daily body temperature records. Moreover, the subject could walk from bedroom to living room with cane by rehabilitation instruction. We also continuously encouraged and supported the subject and her husband to express their feelings and expectations. We recommended making care guide films of foreign language to improve the quality of care skills of foreign caregiver.


spinal cord tumors family coping home care
