  • 期刊


Using Physicians' Perspectives Evaluate at Health Education Clinic


本研究主要目的在以醫師的觀點,評價醫師衛生教育門診實施狀況。本研究對象為參與國民健康局「醫師衛生教育門診」計畫中所有開設衛生教育門診的醫師(212位),徵得同意後,約定電話訪談時間,總計連繫210位,實際完訪118位。受訪醫師的科別以家醫科最多,內科醫師次之。醫師衛生教育門診的經驗,可由病患特性 (characteristics of client)、衛生教育內容與工具(health education contents and instruments)、評價方法(methods of evaluation)、成本效益(cost benefits)、負面經驗與困擾(negative experiences and concerns)、衛生教育資源(health education resources)、政策推動(policies issues)、醫病關係(physician-client relationship)等面向來陳述。從這些經驗中發現衛生教育門診可以建立與過去傳統不同的醫病關係,且經由此次衛生教育門診的評價,也得到一些建議,提供相關單位考量。多數醫師對醫師衛生教育門診的實施,給予相當高且正面的評價,認為可以提升醫病關係及醫療服務品質,並一致認為應繼續推廣。衛生教育門診的終極關懷在期盼以不同於過去傳統的醫療模式,建立民眾正確的健康消費觀念、提昇民眾健康生活的觀念與態度、提供多元文化的衛生教育,與建立醫院至社區的衛教網絡。


The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of the clinic health education run from the physicians' perspective. ”The health education clinic” physicians in this was interviewed by phone. A total of 210 physicians were contacted, and 118 interviewed were completed. Among the interviewed physicians, most are family physicians(家庭醫學科醫師), followed by internal physicians (內科醫師). Results have shown that health education clinic can establish a different doctor-patient relationship from the traditional practice. In addiction, the evaluation of this study has provided some suggestion for future references. The goal of health education clinic is to establish a medical practice different from the traditional model. Such as to educate the people healthy consuming concepts, encourage positive attitudes towards healthy livings, provide a diverse health education, and establish a health education network from hospital to the community.
