  • 期刊


The Sources of Health Care Information for the Foreign Spouses in Taipei City


背景及目的:本研究目的旨在瞭解臺北市實施新移民的健康照護政策與健康宣導資訊是否符合其需求;藉此研究期能對此特殊文化群體做有效的健康服務介入參考,並增加醫護人員的文化敏感度。 研究方法:本研究對象為內政部戶政司統計至民國94年12月止,國人配偶設籍於臺北市之新移民,以大陸、越南和印尼籍新移民為主要研究對象,進行分層隨機抽樣,並採用結構式問卷由十二區健康服務中心公共衛生護士進行逐一家訪。依據不同的新移民服務項目及其推行時間分為四類:孕產婦及嬰幼兒保健教材,新婚優生保健手冊及懷孕通報單,新婚、懷孕及產後衛生教育電話服務,以及外語翻議員走動式服務和生產相關健康檢查補助。 結果:越南籍和印尼籍新移民的人口學變項、對健康宣導資訊的認知、態度和來源管道,以及偏好的衛生教育方式均較為相似。衛教服務不能符合新移民需求的原因有三:第一為溝通障礙。第二為缺乏詢問管道。第三則是衛教教材不合乎新移民的需求,以及太晚收到相關衛教資訊等。郵寄和公衛護士家訪是新移民偏好的衛教方式以及獲得衛教資訊的主要來源。 結論:建議衛生主管機關可多利用郵寄衛教教材的方式,或是透過公衛護士家訪、短期課程或座談會等管道,提供新移民衛生教育諮詢。同時應顧及不同國籍別新移民的溝通障礙,在衛教教材上可提供雙語文字。並且增加外語翻議員走動式的服務,以增進與新移民的溝通。


Background and Purpose: For the decades, the number of the foreign spouses increases in Taiwan. This study of ”The Sources of Health Care Information for the Foreign Spouses in Taipei City will contribute the development of policy of health care and medical education for the foreign spouses. The goal of the study is to understand how the foreign spouses get the health education information and what the most available way is. Methods: The study group is registered in the database of Ministry of the Interior till December 2005. The foreign spouses who live in Taipei City and come from Mainland China, Vietnam and Indonesia are the target group. We used the stratified randomized sampling based on the proportion of foreign spouses in the 12 districts area. The public nurses made the home visit with the structure questionnaires. Depending on the different service items and the policy implement schedules; the objects were divided into four categories. Results: There is no significant different between the foreign spouses from Vietnam and Indonesia among the demographic data, the recognition, attitude and the resources of the health education and the availability of the medical information. There is significant different in the Mainland China group (p<0.01). The health care education service cannot meet their need. There are three reasons: first, the communication barriers. The foreign spouses have difficulties in language and communication and literature. Second, the consulting resources are insufficient. The foreign spouses did not know how to use the manual, and who can help. Third, the contents of the instrument can not meet their need. The most favorite resources among the foreign spouses are the eugenic handbook and the home visit from the public nurses. Discussion The department of health can inform the foreign spouses by mailing and the home visit from the public nurses. The foreign spouses coming from different countries need various medical education and resources. And we should pay much attention to the problems of the communication.


