  • 期刊


The Effect and Value of Public-Private Partnership and Contracting Out: A Proceeding Governance Reform Job


民營化與委外化是當前我國中央政府進行改造所擁抱的價值,然而這一政府改造的重要措施方向是否走得正確,整件事情是否吹對的調,往後四年是否有足夠的決策倫理與經營意志支撐,有必要進一步檢視與策進。委外化這件事原本要凸顯的精神是政府不該壟斷一切政經活動,不同的公共事務需要以不同的策略來執行或提供,處理與人有關的公共需求需要聯合多元面向的資源共同處理,如果能邀集到被服務的對象一起參與討論與規劃,共識比較容易形成、方案比較能切乎重點、行動比較有能量!際此,一種以「合夥」取代「代工」,以「公私協力」取代「市場機制」的治理理念逐漸形成。政府改造是要借重民間社會部門的活力参與公共服務,進行政府組織重組以收職能整合與彈性之成效,改變公共服務流程即時服務廣泛民眾。在面對全球化的牽引,我國政府要成功迎接挑戰的關鍵必須從政府角色、職能與管理上進行大幅度且有定向與方法的變革。也就是說,這一波的政府改造不僅止於「內向性」的行政革新或組織重組、員額精簡,更重要的是要借重民間社會部門的活力與創意,來減除政府的僚氣、鬆綁政府的體質,改變政府一向「行動不夠積極」的本質。本文的意旨不再質疑委外化好不好?而是探求哪一種委外化才是好的民營化與民間化?追求的目標為何(for what?)?適合採用哪一種執行工具(how?)以及如何監督與管理俾得以獲致相關績效(manage and monitor)?「公私協力」不是一個結果,而是一個進行中的治理改造工程,它同時也是一項有點難、有點複雜的政治改革工程。


公私協力 委外化 民營化 治理


Privatization or contracting out is the major value of our government reform. However, we now need to review and prompt whether the directions to those im-portant steps are right and the most important thing that all tasks are to be car-ried out in right tone. Privatization is originally to prevent government monopoly any political-economic activities and different public affairs need different strate-gies to execute or provide. Dealing with public demand needs to integrate multi-ple resources which can satisfy their needs. Global trend has an tendency to more democratize to deal with people’s problem. To sum up, before government handle the legitimacy and resource to serve citi-zen, government is responsible to understand the demands of citizens. If we could invite citizens to join our discussion and planning, consensus is more easily to be construct, public program is more connected with core mission and public action is more energetic. This democratic governance concerns most about what gov-ernment’s management behavior in public affairs, including where to get re-sources, who and how to support goods and services. All those things need to base on democratic principles. Under globalizational influences, the critical to successfully meet this challenge, our government needs to make dramatically reform. At present government re-form is not only to internalize administrative or reorganize, but also to downsize human resources to borrow some ideas from civil society’s revitalization and creation, to banish bureaucracy to loose government potential and to change gov-ernment’s elemental inaction. The purpose of this paper is not to challenge what is right or wrong for contract-ing out, conversely study which kind of privatization is a good way to contract it out. For what goal is? How to fitly take implementation tool? This paper will also study the reasons to prompt contracting out in future need what arguments and what performance level has to be accomplished? How to management and where to go after outsource transit? Especially, it helps to provide the new vision and deliberative arguments in public spheres.


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