國民健康局自民國九十二年起在各縣市推動無菸校園輔導計劃,希望透過學校環境的監控,以降低青少年吸菸率和暴露在二手菸環境的機會。學校人員對於這項作為的看法與輔導計劃能否順利推展有密切關係。本研究的目的在評估教職員對無菸校園的看法並找出相關因素,冀能為輔導工作奠定良好基礎。 本研究針對某縣11所中小學教職員,以隨機取樣方式抽出每校40名為對象,並利用自填式結構問卷為工具收集資料。實際回收358份問卷,再進行t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關和複回歸等分析。 研究主要發現為:1.研究對象對無菸校園的看法相當正向,菸害知識佳,反菸態度強,約9%有吸菸,男性吸菸率高於女性。2.女性教職員對無菸校園的看法較男性正向。3.菸害知識、反菸態度和無菸校園看法有正相關。4.吸菸者對無菸校園看法的得分低於不吸菸者。5.反菸態度是無菸校園看法的最佳預測變項,可解釋43.5%的變異量。根據結果,建議加強教職員反菸態度和提供戒菸服務。
Recently, tobacco control policy including smoke-free schools was enforced in Taiwan. To achieve the reduction of tobacco use by youth is likely to depend on the extent of school staff’s support. This study was designed to understand school staff’s opinions of smoke-free schools. Totally 11 schools (2 elementary, 4 middle & 5 high schools) were recruited. We randomly selected 358 teaching or administrative staff to completed a self-administered questionnaire. We used one-way ANOVA, t-test, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple regression statistics to exam the associations between staff’s smoking status, smoking-related attitudes and knowledge, and their opinions of smoke-free schools. In this study, we found that the school staffs were very supportive of smoke-free schools which was related to their smoking-related knowledge and attitudes. Non-smoking staffs were more supporting smoke-free schools than those smoking. The opinions of smoke-free schools were different between genders, the males were less supportive than the females. Anti-smoking attitudes could explain 43.5%of the variance of staff’s opinion of smoke-free schools. In conclusion, with increasing staff’s anti-smoking attitudes and encouraging stop smoking would enhance their support for smoke-free schools.