  • 期刊


Study on the Professional Preparation and Certification for Health Education Specialists in the U.S.A.


專業人員之培育及證照制度之建立是專業永續發展兩股重要的動力,衛生教育專業亦如是。一九○一年,哥倫比亞大學開美國衛生教育專業人員培育風氣之先,在該校成立衛生教育學系,其後有越來越多的大學投入此一行列,以一九八六年為例,多達352所,及至二○○一年,仍有233所,且涵蓋了學士、碩士及博士課程。一個世紀以來,在美國還先後召開了二十多次重要的全國性衛生教育人員專業培育計畫會議,衛生教育專業資格鑑定會議,或是相關的立法。這些措施,為美國衛生教育專業人員的培育奠定了厚實的基礎。 在衛生教育證照制度之建立方面,美國在一九七○年代中期即展開衛生教育專業人員資格鑑定及角色描述(Role Delineation)工作,就衛生教育人員之角色、任務、功能、技能及知識等層面加以釐清及規劃,加強衛生教育專業人員之培育。一九八八年,全國衛生教育資格鑑定委員會(National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., NCHEC)的成立是美國衛生教育證照制度發展史上最重要的里程碑。加上政府機關和民間組織的鼎力襄助及密切配合,此委員會在次年正式核發授證衛生教育人員(Certified Health Education Specialist, CHES)證照,開啟美國衛生教育證照時代的新頁。此項證照屬綜合性,為因應推動衛生教育計畫不同場所之需,美國正在研究發展學校、社區、衛生醫療機構及工作場所衛生教育人員證照。 「他山之石,可以攻錯」,美國衛生教育專業人員之培育及證照制度之建立的心路歷程有很多地方值得我們借鏡。本文就我國衛生教育法及相關法律之訂頒、衛生教育專業人員培育之加強、知識經濟時代衛生教育人力資源之管理、衛生教育專業人員角色描述工作之進行、衛生教育專業倫理信條之發展、衛生教育專業組織功能之強化,以及衛生教育專業證照制度之建構等層面略抒己見,就教於各界方家,希冀為我國衛生教育之發展攜手合作,共同努力,進而為促進國人的健康,盡一份專業人員應盡的責任。


The development of professional preparation and the establishment of certification for specialists are two important forces for the sustainable development of a profession. It is also true to the profession of health education. In 1901, the Department of Health Education was established in the Columbia University which was the first institution responsible for training health educators in the United States. Since then, more universities were involved in this task. In 1986, for example, there were 352 universities, and, in 2001, 233 offering undergraduate and graduate programs in health education. During the past century, more than 20 national professional conferences have been held in the United States with the purposes of improving professional preparation in health education, creating the criteria for health education credentialing, and promulgating health education related laws. By doing so, the solid foundation for the professional preparation in health education has been established. In the aspect of developing the certification for health educators, the task of qualification credentialing and role delineation in health education was initiated in the United states in mid-1970s. In terms of role delineation, the health educators’ roles, responsibilities, functions, skills, and knowledge are considered and reviewed. In 1988, the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC) was established which was the most important milestone in the process of developing the certification in health education in the United States. With the support and assistance of the governmental agencies and NGOS, the NCHEC started to issue the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) to the people who have passed the examination. In order to upgrade the quality of CHES, the NCHEC is now developing the specific CHES certificates for the health educators working in schools, communities, health care settings, or worksites, respectively. After reviewing the brief history of the development of professional preparation and certification for health educators in the United States, it is easy to realize that the American experience can be utilized as an excellent model to upgrade the professional preparation programs and to develop certification in health education in the Republic of China. Based upon this understanding, several recommendations have been submitted in this paper with focuses on promulgating more health education laws, reinforcing professional preparation for health education specialists, improving human resource management of health education in the era of knowledge-based economy, conducting the task of role delineation for health educators, developing a unified code of ethics for the health education profession, reinforcing the functions of the voluntary organizations in the field of health education, and establishing the certification for health educators. The quality and effectiveness of health education in the Republic of China will be improved and upgrade tremendously if the above-mentioned recommendations (programs) can be accepted and implemented thoroughly by the governmental agencies in cooperation with the voluntary organizations.


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