  • 期刊


The Myopia Problems and Solutions for Taiwan School Children




Myopia is one of students' serious health problems in Taiwan. In view of this, the Executive Yuan invited experts and scholars convened ”measures to enhance students' vision care conference”, and proposed a number of related projects to resolve this problem in 1980. More than one-fifth of the first grade students suffer from myopia, and 66% of elementary school graduates have been suffering from myopia, so the main reason of myopia is too young to suffer from nearsightedness in Taiwan. Because sooner suffer myopia can cause the faster deterioration degree, it's easy to become high degree myopia, and lead to retinal detachment, macular degeneration and other diseases, and even blindness for future So the student vision care work should aim to deter the occurrence of high degree myopia, which is to prevent the occurrence of myopia in children before graduating elementary school. Two strategies can achieve this goal:1. Prevention: teachers and parents have to help children to healthy grow up, so they should first understand the causes and prevention methods of myopia.2. Treatment: early detection and early treatment should be able to avoid rapid deterioration of myopia.The student vision care work had been executed over 30 years, but did not see satisfactory results. We must continue to work hard to solve the problem until successful.


Wu, P. C.,Tsai, C. L.,Wu, H. L.,Yang, Y. H.,Kuo, H. K.(2013).Outdoor Activity during Class Recess Reduces Myopia Onset and Progression in School Children.Ophthalmology.120(5),1080-1085.
