  • 期刊


Effectiveness of correct medication education among elementary school students in Taiwan


本研究旨在探討正確用藥教育介入對國小學生「正確用藥知識」、「正確用藥態度」、「正確用藥自我效能」、「正確用藥行為」之影響。研究採準實驗之「實驗組、對照組前後測」設計,以臺中某所國小五年級6個班級的學生為研究對象共137人,實驗組的人,對照組72人,實驗組接受八節正確用藥課程,對照組則接受常規的健康教育課程。運用廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equation, GEE)模式進行分析,研究結果發現經正確用藥教育介入後,能顯著提升學生正確用藥知識、態度、自我效能、行為;學生對課程的滿意度達到九成以上。家長對於親子共學活動,大多持正向肯定的回饋。根據研究結果,學校推動正確用藥教育介入的成效佳,建議國內學校推動正確用藥教育,以增能師生正確用藥知能與行為,並透過學校親師座談會,宣導正確用藥相關知識與態度,提升學生正確用藥行為。依據本研究,對於此教育介入提出3項建議,1設計更多配合課程的有趣題材,吸引學生的學習動機與興趣。2.教學活動中,能增加戲劇表演。3.盡量於當天的功課量較少的情況下,再發給學生親子學習單。拜訪藥師的活動,可於學期初開始進行,讓學生有充分的時間前往拜訪藥師,期能促進學生能有更好的學習成效。


學生 正確用藥 介入 知識 行為


This study examined the effect of correct medication education intervention including correct medication knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and behavior among primary school students. This study was a quasi-experimental design. The participants included 137 5th grade students in Taichung City. There were 65 students in the experimental group and 72 students in the control group. The experimental group participated in eight sessions of correct medication courses, while the control group received usual classes. The GEE (Generalized Estimating Equation) method was used to examine the effectiveness of correct medication education intervention. The results indicated that the correct medication education intervention significantly increased correct medication knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and behavior. More than 90% of participant students reported satisfaction with the education intervention, while most parents had positive comments on the education intervention. In conclusion, the implementation of correct medication education program showed positive effects. It is suggested that implementation of correct medication education program enhance teachers' and students' medication literacy and behaviors. Schools could provide students education activities to promote safe medication usage. Based on the findings, there were three suggestions for correct medication education intervention. First, schools could design more interesting courses. Second, schools could arrange some dramas in teaching exercise. Third, the learning sheets should be handed out when there were less school work on that day. In addition, the visiting pharmacist activity could be arranged on the beginning of the semester. In this way, students would have more time to visit pharmacist and have more remarkable success.


student correct medication intervention knowledge behavior


