  • 期刊


The Plug Cell Design Affect the Growth and Yield of Capsicum annuum L. 'Andalus'




Root circling of sweet pepper seedling was problem in round cell of 128-cell PE plug tray. The height of seedling increased and the initiated date of flowering was short during the seedling growth from the fourth to the eighth week. The side root was increased when the seedling grew in the cross openings of the sidewall of cell. However, the activity of the eighth-week-old sweet pepper root was decrease. At the same age of seedling, the amount of ethylene was higher from the round cell than that from the opening cell. The respiration rate was reversed. The survival rate at the fourth-week-old was the lowest compared to that at other ages. The early yield and total yield of the seedling in the opening cell were higher than that in un-opening tray. The six-week-old seedling grown in opening plug tray had the highest fruit number, however that in un-opening plug tray was eight-week-old.
