  • 期刊


Anther Type and Pollen Germination of Double-flowered Amaryllis (Hippeastrum hybridum) Cultivars


觀察重瓣孤挺花(Hippeastrum hybridum)六個品種之花藥,可分為三種類,分別是正常花藥(normal anther)、畸形花藥(defective anther)與瓣化花藥(petaloid anther)。從三種類型花藥所取下花粉,以含10%蔗糖之B&K培養基於25℃培養2小時,花粉皆可發芽,除'Splash'瓣化花藥產生之花粉發芽率較低外,其他五個參試品種之花粉發芽率皆大於50%。'Blossom Peacock'正常花藥之花粉發芽適溫在25-35℃,參試三類型花藥產生之花粉皆在培養後2小時達最大發芽率,約78%-91%。


Observation of six double-flowered amaryllis cultivars with pollen anthers, which can be divided into three types: normal anther, defective anther, and petaloid anther. Pollen from normal, defective, and petaloid anthers of six double-flowered amaryllis cultivars were collected. Pollen were incubated on B&K medium containing 10% sucrose at 25℃ for two hour. Results showed all pollen germinated irrespective of pollen sources. All pollen germination percentages were higher than 50%, except those from petaloid anthers of 'Splash'. Optimum germination temperature was 25-35℃ for pollen from normal anthers of double-flowered 'Blossom Peacock'. Maximum germination percentage (ca. 78%-91%) was measured at 2 h after incubation irrespective of pollen source. Single-flowered 'Design' was pollinated with pollen from normal, defective, and petaloid anthers of 'Blossom Peacock'.
