  • 期刊


Campus Safety and Health Measures


我國行政院勞工委員會於民國82年12月20日以台82勞安3字第76289號函公告,指定大專院校實(試)驗室、實習工廠及試驗工廠適用「勞工安全衛生法」。然而,五年來,校園之安全衛生事件仍時有所聞,勞委會之抽查結果更是問題叢生,教育部有感於茲事體大,乃大力介入與勞委會聯合對大專院校實施輔導,並舉辦多場觀摩會;所以,安全衛生工作可說是當前校園之重點工作之一。 本文將針對校園安全衛生規劃實務做一研擬,其內容包括:校園安全衛生現況調查、安全衛生政簽訂定、安全衛生組織之設立、工作守則之制定、教育訓練之落實、健康管理之實施、危害通識制度之建立、自動檢查及緊急應變計劃之製作等,希望對校園安全衛生規劃工作有所助益。


The laboratories, test rooms, practical training shops, and test shops of the university and college were scheduled to comply with the ”Labor Safety and Health Act” on December 20,1993, under Tair-82-Law- An-3 document#76289, as mandated by the Council of Labor Affairs(CLA), Executive Yuan, Republic of China. However, accidents have persisted on campus during the past five years. The CLA selectively check with those results raising more concerns over health and safety-related issues. The Ministry of Education has expressed its concern over this matter and intends to0 force the university and college to comply with CLA regulation. In particular, the poly-field must also adhere to pertinent regulations. Therefore, safety and health-related issue have received increasing focus on the campus. This investigation describes efforts to implement safety and health measures on the campus. Its contents include the following: current status of health and safety on campus, safety and health policy, organizing for safety and health, development of work rules, safety and health training, health management, hazard communication, self-audit certification, and development of emergency plans and procedures. Hope to help the campus safety and health planning.


