  • 期刊


Development of Fundamental Design and Art Education in Japan




In this research, we try to review the content and the spirit of ”Fundamentals of Design and Art” in Japan by document researching and content analyzing to describe its development in the history; at the same time, to discuss its academic status and field from its own point of view. One of our purposes is to make the Formation Art, including find art, painting, sculpture and design and etc., well known and widely used by the public, we hope that the processes and methods of theory can be helpful to enhance practical teaching program; we define its special terms and the basis of theory; we study its academic goals; we explain its features and what the contents of it are; and we try to find out the new direction of ”Fundamental Design and Art Education” in our new century. We, therefore, got 4 conclusions as shown below: 1. ”Fundamentals Design and Art Education” is a course, which tackles the mutual basis and essential problem in all the expression of formation. We can precede professional education and research through discussions of the practice of theory. 2. ”Fundamentals Design and Art Education” is a common knowledge learning, which can train and stimulate students' creation in aesthetics, reinforce their ability of enjoying the art, and improve their quality of actual life consequentially. 3. ”Fundamentals Design and Art Education” starts from the center of the essence of visual world, to apply our own senses of feeling: seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting and touching firstly to the actual objects, then enlarging the range of various different formations around your life. 4. ”Fundamentals Design and Art Education” in Japan does not just imitate the educational method of Bauhaus. Sometimes the teaching concepts change and improve in a wide variety of ways through their own social and cultural advincement.


Herbert, B.(1952).Walter Gropius, lse Gropius, Bauhaus.NY:Charles T. Branford.
Itten, J.、王秀雄譯(1989)。造形藝術的基礎。台北市:大陸書店。
川喜田煉七郎(1932)。構成教育について。I See All。22(11)


