  • 期刊

從購買決策模型(FCB Model)中探討雙關廣告的幽默效果

Humor Effect: Tapping the Foote, Cone & Belding (FCB) Model to Study Pun in Advertising


幽默廣告會誘發消費者對訊息和商品產生注意與喜好度,雙關廣告的使用深具幽默、詼諧的廣告效果,能引導消費者對廣告商品產生正向的態度。從相關文獻中得知,涉入(involvement)和刺激(motivation)會影響雙關廣告的幽默效應。本研究藉由購買決策模型(Foote, Cone & Belding model, FCB)中的產品類型,以2×2受測者內(within-subjects)的實驗方式,進行「產品涉入程度(高涉入、低涉入)」和「產品刺激類型(理性、感性)」等兩個自變數的操控,檢定消費者對雙關廣告的幽默效應。整個實驗共區分為四個情境,總計有60位(男39、女21)受測者參與實驗,所得的資料以二因子變異數進行分析,亦作為對應變數的考驗方法。研究獲得三個主要的顯著結果:(10產品涉入程度的差異,對感性刺激類型的雙關幽默造成影響;(2)產品刺激類型的差異,對高涉入的雙關幽默造成影響;(3)產品刺激類型的差異,對低涉入的雙關幽默造成影響。本研究最後建議雙關幽默的題材,可藉由大眾所熟知的生活、環境或經驗著手,讓廣告訊息與消費者間產生更多的互動關係,引導消費者意會廣告主所要傳遞的幽默性,此舉有助於雙關廣告獲得更佳的廣告效果。


The humorous commercials will attract consumers’ attention and their preferences to the advertised message or product. The use of pun in advertising has its humorous and comical effect and will have positive impact on consumers' attitudes towards advertised merchandise. From literature reviews, we found involvement and motivation will influence humor effect of advertisement of pun. Using type of product in Foote, Cone & Belding (FCB) model and 2×2 within-subjects experiment, we proceed with the control of two independent variables ”degree of involvement (high involvement, low involvement)” and ”type of product motivation (rationality, sensibility)” to examine the humor effect of advertisement of pun. The entire experiment includes four situations with 60 (male 39, female 21) testees participating. Data is analyzed by two-way ANOVA for testing dependent variables. Three major significant results are as follows: (1) The difference of product involvement will have significant effect on sensible advertisement of pun. (2) The difference of product motivation will have significant effect on advertisement of pun with high involvement. (3) The difference of product motivation will have significant effect on advertisement of pun with low involvement. This study suggests, in the conclusion, materials of pun in advertising may be taken from common day-to-day experiences so as to increase more interaction and response between commercial messages and consumers, or use common cultural experiences to introduce humor communicated by the commercials, which would contribute to better effect for the advertisement of pun.


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