  • 期刊


Symbiosis for Urbanization and Environment: Case of Dahu Park in Neihu District, Taipei


台北盆地不斷向四周蔓延的都市化現象,本應受限於天然盆地地形的圍囿中,卻在盆緣丘陵山坡上造成過度的人爲開發地景。近年來,這些區域在面臨大自然外力時,總是滿目瘡痍、災情慘重,原由值得深思。本研究之目的在於討論都市環境資源如何在開發與保育上維持平衡的狀態,而能建立提供最佳生產、生活與生態模式機能的環境共生城市。 研究是以台北大湖公園爲例,檢視大湖區域在公園開發後環境生態上所面臨的問題。首先蒐集相關研究文獻並以田野勘察爲方法,對該區域環境實行現場勘測、紀錄與體驗,繼而將結果以都市環境共生的永續觀點來歸納整理問題並提出分析與建議。 爲避免都市蔓延的環境問題持續惡化,研究的結果提供了一個檢視環境共生之於都市開發的參考案例。並期望能將大湖公園之都市環境共生經驗,借鏡至正在發展中的城鄉邊界,特別是都市空間結構正在快速更迭的台北都會,因應新結構帶來的社會文化與自然環境問題,現有國土政策、管理思維與設計規劃都迫切需要重新檢討。


Urbanization keeps expanding across the Taipei Basin. Although landform should be a natural barrier for urban expansion, exaggerated artificial landscapes were built along the hillside of the basin. When natural disasters occurred in recent years, such as earthquakes, typhoons and floods, impacts on these areas were devastating. Are these impacts the natural consequences of disasters or manmade? The aim of this study is to discuss how to maintain a balance between urbanization and environmental conservation, in order to develop the best functional model for production, living and ecology in urban areas for ecological symbiosis. This study reviewed the problems on the environment and ecology caused by the development of Dahu Park with the following research methods: literature review and field investigation. The latter included onsite inspection, data collection and site examination. The results of such were analyzed in environmental symbiosis and sustainable development terms, and recommendations were made accordingly. To prevent environmental problems from deteriorating, the results of this study provide a reference for reviewing symbiosis between urbanization and the environment and for urbanization projects taking place in the suburbs, particularly the Taipei suburbs witnessing rapid spatial structure changes. Also, present land development policies, management considerations, and design and planning should be reviewed immediately in order to deal with problems in social culture and the natural environment as a result of such changes.


Lynch, Kevin,宋伯欽(譯)(1978).都市意像.臺北:臺隆書局.
