  • 期刊


The Exploration of Needs for the Parents of Neonates in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit




Due to the social, economic and cultural changes, the needs for the parents of neonates in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are changing as well. In order to deliver effective NICU services, it is necessary for health care providers to understand the medical service needs for the neonates’ families. The aim of this study is to explore the needs for the parents of neonates in a NICU. 66 parents, whose neonates had been admitted to a NICU for more than 24 hours at a medical facility in southern Taiwan, were selected as participants in this descriptive study, and all of them were required to fill out a structured questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that the ranking of parent's needs from health care providers in NICU are as follows: relevant information on the neonates’ disease, nursing consultation, hospital environment and equipment, and support and consolation. The top three strongest needs for the parents are: prompt notification when neonates' conditions change, information on neonates' progresses and prognoses, and prompt notification when medial results are available. The results also indicate that the intensity of needs significantly correlates with the neonates' lung disease. Based on the results of the study, NICU health care providers can set more effective guidelines for providing supports for the families and neonates.


