  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of a Patient with Severe Ulceration of Surrounding Skin of the Ileostoma




迴腸造口 皮膚潰瘍 護理


This paper described a clinical nursing experience of caring a re-hospitalization patient suffering from erythematous infiltration, ulceration and pain of ileostomy. Nursing problems which consisted of impaired skin integrity, pain, and anxiety were verified after integrated assessment and data collection by observation, interviews and direct nursing care with Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns during the nursing period from Jan. 6 to Jan. 20, 2007. After establishing a trust relationship, encouraging participating stoma care, applying hydrocolloid dressings to prevent ileostomy from contact of defecates, increasing viscosity of defecates with medication, and providing nursing care with empathy and acceptance, the skin ulcerations healed, the pain relieved, anxiety reduced, the adhesive skin barrier was resumed, and there was no more leakage. With all these efforts, the patient discharged after repeated demonstration of stoma care with no more skin ulceration and received ileostomy takedown operation one and a half months after discharge from the hospital.


Ileostomy Skin ulceration Nursing care
