  • 期刊


The Related Factors of High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein in Middle-Aged Women with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease


背景:高敏感度C-反應蛋白(high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, hsCRP)是女性罹患冠狀動脈疾病(coronary arterydisease, CAD)重要的危險因素,就女性而言,其影響因素之先前研究結果並不一致。目的:本研究目的在探討疑似罹患CAD中年女性影響hsCRP值之相關因素。方法:採橫斷式研究,選取128位疑似CAD等待心導管檢查中年女性,於心導管室進行檢查前抽取血液進行分析,依照hsCRP血中濃度分為兩組(≦3、>3mg/L)。以填寫問卷、查閱病歷、血液檢驗方式收集資料。結果: 整體平均56.9±5.7歲,23位(18%)病患hsCRP血中濃度>3 mg/L。hsCRP>3 mg/L組較多病患有腎功能不全病史、使用利尿劑、血管狹窄數目多、身體不活動情形。控制干擾因素後,身體不活動是hsCRP有意義的預測因子。身體不活動者發生高hsCRP的機率是有活動者的3.8倍(P=0.01)。結論:身體不活動與高hsCRP有顯著相關性,中年女性應維持身體活動以減輕炎症反應,進而防治CAD。


Background: High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) is a key risk factor in coronary artery disease (CAD) in women; however, previous studies yielded inconsistent results regarding the influencing factors that affect women. Purpose:The purpose of this study was to explore the related factors of hsCRP in middle-aged women who were suspected of having CAD. Methods:This was a cross-sectional study, and 128 middle-aged women who were suspected of having CAD and were waiting for catheterization were recruited. Blood was collected to conduct analyses during catheterization procedures. Patients were divided into 2 groups based on their hsCRP blood levels (≤ 3or > 3 mg/L). Data were collected from completed questionnaires, medical records, and blood test results. Results: Overall, the average age was 56.9±5.7 years, and 23 (18%) exhibited an hsCRP level of > 3 mg/L. Patients who were classified into the hsCRP level of > 3 mg/L group had a history of renal insufficiency, had used diuretics, possessed a high number of stenotic blood vessels, and were physically inactive. After controlling confounding factors, physical inactivity was a significant predictor to the hsCRP level. Patients who were physical inactivity possessed a 3.8-fold higher probability of exhibiting higher hsCRP levels than patients who were active (P = 0.01). Conclusions:Physical inactivity was significantly correlated with high hsCRP levels. Middle-aged women should maintain physical activity to reduce inflammatory reactions, thereby reducing the risk of CAD.


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