  • 期刊


Nurse Experience in Caring for a Patient with Left Ventricular Assist Device




This article describes a nurse's experience in caring for a 62-year-old gentleman who received a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation due to advanced heart failure. During the period of caring (from April 21, 2018, to May 12, 2018), the authors conducted a comprehensive nurse assessment for the patient with Gordon's Functional Health Pattern. Based on the information collected from interviews, observations, empathic listening, and daily physical assessments, the authors found that acute pain, exercise intolerance, and anxiety were the patient's core problems in nurse care. Therefore, the authors offered an individualized care plan to solve these problems. The applied strategies included using non-pharmacological methods to relieve the patient's pain following changing dressing, coughing, and moving. They also included performing scheduled wound assessment and reporting the abnormalities to the doctor-in-charge rapidly to detect infection early, and assessing the patient's progress in physical recovery daily to titrate the rehabilitation program to his needs. The authors also used empathic listening, positive responding, and education to reduce the patient's anxiety. These skills helped the authors to facilitate effective doctor-patient-family communications while necessary. By teaching the patient and his family caregivers about the principles of self-care of left VAD, the authors also recruited the family caregivers as a collaborator in patient care since the early postoperative period to enhance the engagement and support of family members. After conducting the abovementioned strategies, the patient reported less physical/psychological discomfort and showed increased confidence in self-care. Since the nurse experience in LVAD patients is still relatively rare in Taiwan, nurses often feel unfamiliar and scared while taking care of these patients. To reduce the fear of the unfamiliar in nurses, the authors suggested that simulation courses of LVAD might be a practical method to build up the team members' knowledge and ability to offer the standard care to the LVAD patients. Hopefully, our report could inspire our colleagues to share experiences in this aspect.


行政院衛生福利部(2019)‧死因統計‧取自 https://dep.mohw.gov.tw/DOS/np-1776-113.html。
財團法人器官捐贈移植登錄中心(2018,7月17日 ) ‧ 107 年度等候捐贈移植統計 ‧https://www.torsc.org.tw/docList.jsp?uid=158&pid=9&rn=-792403093。
