  • 期刊


The Psychometric Characteristics of the Assessment Tools Used for Stroke Patients at Physical Therapy Departments in Medical Centers


研究背景與目的:使用具備良好心理計量特性(如:信度、效度、反應性等)之量表是臨床及研究達成客觀、科學評量的基礎。本研究調查各醫學中心物理治療部門對中風病患例行使用之評估量表種類,與各量表於國內外建立之心理計量特性,以作為教學、臨床及研究之參考。方法:本研究以全國八家醫學中心及七家準醫學中心為對象,蒐集物理治療部門對中風病患例行使用之評估量表。主要內容包含:動作能力、步態分析、肌肉張力、姿態控制、及日常生活功能等。物理治療部門之評估量表資料由各部門主任(或組長)提供。各量表之信度、效度及反應性驗證資料,以檢索國內、外光碟資料庫獲得。結果:國內各醫學中心物理治療部門對中風病患例行使用之評估量表大多直接引用國外發展的量表,如傅格梅爾動作量表(Fugl-Meyer motor assessment)、及生活功能獨立程度量表(Functional Independence Measure)等,這些量表雖有諸多心理計量特性的驗證,但缺乏標準化的中文施測說明。其他如布氏動作功能恢復量表(Brunnstrom Recovery Scale)、卡諾夫司基量表(Karnofsky index)等,則缺乏充分的心理計量特性驗證。另有部分評估項目為物理治療部門自行設計,但其心理計量特性尚未被建立。結論:國內學術界應積極驗證國人常用量表之信度、效度及反應性,以奠定科學評估之基礎。


信度 效度 反應性 物理治療 腦中風


Background and Purpose: Using the measures with solid psychometric characteristics (e.g. reliability, validity, responsiveness) is the foundation to achieve objective and scientific evaluations in both clinical and research settings. The purpose of this study was to survey the psychometric characteristics of the assessment tools routinely used for stroke patients in physical therapy departments of medical and quasi-medical centers in Taiwan. Methods: Fifteen physical therapy departments of the medical and quasi-medical centers were surveyed. Assessment tools used in evaluation of motor function, gait, muscle tone, postural control, sensory function, mentality and activities of daily living for stroke patients in physical therapy departments were provided by chiefs of the physical therapy departments. The psychometric characteristics of the assessment tools were investigated through searching the medicine-related databases. Results: The results showed that the assessment tools routinely used in Taiwan were mostly established in aboard, such as Fugl-Meyer motor assessment, and Functional Independence Measure. These measures are lack of Chinese manuals, although their psychometric properties have been well established. The psychometric details of some scales (e.g. Brunnstrom Recovery Scale and Karnofsky index) had been rarely examined. The other scales were constructed by the staffs of those departments. However, the psychometric characteristics of these assessment tools had not been established. Conclusion: In order to assess patients' functions scientifically and accurately, examining the psychometric characteristics of the assessment tools is urgently needed.


Reliability Validity Responsiveness Physical therapy Stroke


