  • 期刊

Number and Characteristics of Falls in Older Adults-Differences in Recall by a Bi-monthly Telephone Survey and a Personal Interview




Purposes: To compare the frequency and characteristics of falls reported during an initial falls history interview covering the previous 12 months, with the history of falls reported during prospective bi-monthly telephone follow-ups beginning approximately one year after the initial interview in a group of community dwelling older adults. Methods: The subjects were 120 older adults (72±4 years, 66 males, 54 females) living independently in Taipei. During the initial interview, the subjects were asked to recall the characteristics (circumstances, location and time) of each fall incident during the previous 12 months. The subjects were then followed up with bi-monthly telephone interviews for 12 months beginning an average of 296 days after the initial interview. The number and characteristics of reported falls were recorded. Results: Fifty-five subjects reported a total of 99 falls during the preceding 12 months at the initial interview; whereas only 28 subjects reported a total of 49 falls during the 12 months of the subsequent bi-monthly telephone interviews (p<0.001). Some subjects failed to successfully recall the characteristics of falls during the initial interview. The percentages of successful recall were: circumstances 90%, location 82%, time 76%. The characteristics of falls were all successfully recalled during follow-up interviews (p<0.0001). For both the retrospective and prospective recalls of falls, tripping and slipping were the most common circumstances of falls (57%). Subjects were more likely to fall in an outdoor environment (70%) and in the day time (85%). Conclusions: The percentage of circumstances, location and time of falls being successfully recalled was higher in the bi-monthly prospective follow ups than in the initial interview. Fewer fallers and fewer falls were reported during the bi-monthly follow-up interviews. These results suggest that frequent fall survey using bi-monthly phone calls may interfere with the natural behavior of older adults and thus reduce the number of falls reported.


跌倒 老人 訪談 回憶期


Purposes: To compare the frequency and characteristics of falls reported during an initial falls history interview covering the previous 12 months, with the history of falls reported during prospective bi-monthly telephone follow-ups beginning approximately one year after the initial interview in a group of community dwelling older adults. Methods: The subjects were 120 older adults (72±4 years, 66 males, 54 females) living independently in Taipei. During the initial interview, the subjects were asked to recall the characteristics (circumstances, location and time) of each fall incident during the previous 12 months. The subjects were then followed up with bi-monthly telephone interviews for 12 months beginning an average of 296 days after the initial interview. The number and characteristics of reported falls were recorded. Results: Fifty-five subjects reported a total of 99 falls during the preceding 12 months at the initial interview; whereas only 28 subjects reported a total of 49 falls during the 12 months of the subsequent bi-monthly telephone interviews (p<0.001). Some subjects failed to successfully recall the characteristics of falls during the initial interview. The percentages of successful recall were: circumstances 90%, location 82%, time 76%. The characteristics of falls were all successfully recalled during follow-up interviews (p<0.0001). For both the retrospective and prospective recalls of falls, tripping and slipping were the most common circumstances of falls (57%). Subjects were more likely to fall in an outdoor environment (70%) and in the day time (85%). Conclusions: The percentage of circumstances, location and time of falls being successfully recalled was higher in the bi-monthly prospective follow ups than in the initial interview. Fewer fallers and fewer falls were reported during the bi-monthly follow-up interviews. These results suggest that frequent fall survey using bi-monthly phone calls may interfere with the natural behavior of older adults and thus reduce the number of falls reported.


Falls Elderly Interview Recall duration


