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Factors Associated With Home-Based Physical Therapy Utilization Among Disabled Community Dwellers in Taipei Metropolitan Region


背景和目的:以大溫暖十年長期照顧計畫之施行經驗,分析居家物理治療(home-based physical therapy, HPT)服務利用的影響因素。方法:對2012年臺北都會區(臺北市及新北市)HPT資料庫進行次級資料分析,個案需符合長期照顧管理中心收案標準且接受2次以上之HPT介入。藉描述性分析、雙變項相關及多元迴歸等方法,分析個案之社會人口學資料、健康功能狀況等變項對HPT介入次數的影響。結果:接受HPT且符合收案標準個案共717位,平均介入5.4 ± 3.2次。透過多元迴歸分析發現,全部變項具16.4%的解釋力,社會人口學變項(包含個人與環境因素)影響大於健康功能狀況變項。具顯著解釋力之變項為年齡、性別、中(低)收入戶、意願、住家是否需爬樓梯與身體感覺功能。結論:較年輕、男性、中(低)收入戶、意願較高、住家需爬樓梯與感覺功能異常之個案,HPT介入次數較高。本研究結果有助於瞭解影響個案接受HPT的因素,可協助HPT制度規劃、服務體系的建構與誘發服務輸送,以支持失能個案發展更獨立的生活。

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Background and Purpose: To analyze the factors influencing the utilization of home-based physical therapy (HPT) services in the Ten-Year Plan for Long-term Care. Methods: Secondary data from the HPT database of the Taipei Metropolitan Area (Taipei City and New Taipei City) in 2012 were analyzed. Inclusion criteria were: (1) the clients met the reimbursement criteria set by the Care Management Center of the two cities; (2) each client received at least 2 sessions of HPT intervention. The influence of socio-demography and health-functional status on the number of HPT intervention was analyzed by descriptive analysis, bivariate correlation and multiple regression analysis. Results: A total of 717 clients were included, with an average of 5.4 ± 3.2 sessions. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that all variables had an explanatory power of 16.4%, and socio-demographic variables (including personal and environmental factors) had greater impact than health-functional status variables. The number of visits was mainly influenced by age, gender, social welfare status, willingness, housing environment and physical sensory function. Conclusions: The clients who were younger, male, middle (low) income households, higher willingness, stair climbing or sensory dysfunction received more HPT visits. The results might help to construct a more efficient mode of needs assessment for HPT and to facilitate better needs-based service delivery, in turn to reduce dependency in activities of daily living in HPT service users.

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