  • 期刊


The Static Balance, Ground Reaction, and Speed of the Dominant Leg with Different Definitions




慣用腳 非慣用腳


This study examined the different effects the dominant legs and the non-dominant legs caused on the static balance, the ground reaction and the speed by the seven evaluation methods of the dominant legs: ball-kick, step-up, hop-for-distance, step-forward, balance-recovery, fencing in epee, and the individual preference. This study also examines the differences of the reliability of the six evaluation methods (except the individual preference) and the seven methods of the dominant legs. The subjects were 48 male college students without any anamnesis of legs and bottoms. Twenty-four of them were tested for reliability of the six methods of the dominant legs (except the individual preference), and the other twenty- four were tested to discover the different effects of the dominant legs and non-dominant legs on the static balance, the ground reaction and the speed, to pursue the correlation among the seven evaluation methods. This study used the repeated measures to verify its reliability, and ttest to compare different effects of the dominant leg and non-dominant leg on different kinds of evaluation methods. Finally, ANOVA was used to analyze the difference between the seven evaluation methods of the dominant leg. The result showed: (1) people had their dominant (preferred) legs, which could be attributed to their habits; (2) there was no significant difference in ground reaction force, balance with a single leg, and the kicking speed between the dominant and the non-dominant leg, and (3) since there was no significant difference between the dominant and the non-dominant legs; none of the above seven methods could be used to find which leg (dominant or non-dominant) had its superiority in force, balance or speed.


dominant leg non-dominant leg


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