  • 期刊


Effect of Acute Exercise and Negative Air Ion Exposure on Muscle Glycogen Storage and GLUT4 Protein Expression




Purpose: This study was carried out to investigate the effect of acute exercise, negative air ion exposure and their interactive effects on muscle glycogen storage and GLUT4 protein expression. Methods: 32 female SD rats were divided into four groups: control (C), negative air ion exposure (N), exercise (E) and exercise combined with negative air ion (NE). N group was exposed under negative air ion (300000~500000/cm^3) for 1-h. The exercise protocol consisted of two times 3-h swimming intervals, with 45-min rest between the intervals. After swimming, NE group was immediately exposed to the same negative air ion concentration for 1-h. Gastrocnemius muscle tissue was collected from all the groups to determine the levels of glycogen and GLUT4 protein expression after 16-h recovery. Results: In the portion of red gastrocnemius muscle, the glycogen content of E group (52.56±1.34μmol/g), N group (54.74±2.72μmol/g) and NE group (57.63±5.31μmol/g) were significantly higher than C group (31.41±1.16μmol/g). But in white gastrocnemius only NE (64.53±3.07μmol/g) group showed higher glycogen levels than C group (40.63±1.64μmol/g), E group (44.81±1.93μ mol/g) and N group (40.68±0.66μmol/g). However, the level of GLUT4 protein expression was not significantly altered in red and white gastrocnemius muscles of all four groups. Conclusion: Negative air ion exposure could significantly elevate muscle glycogen storage, but this increase effect might not be related to GLUT4 protein expression. Moreover, Exercise combine with negative air ion exposure has an additive effect on muscle glycogen storage.


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