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Effect of Short-term Detraining on Glucose Tolerance in Basketball Players


長期停止訓練造成身體葡萄糖耐受度的衰退主要受體脂肪增加所致。然而,年輕的女性籃球運動選手具 正常體位 (BMI < 24),經過短期停止訓練不易改變身體組成或增加體脂肪,而且對肌纖維損傷的恢復具有助 益,是否能阻礙停止訓練導致的葡萄糖耐受度下降,有待本研究進行探討。目的:探討 10 天停止訓練對女 性籃球選手葡萄糖耐受性的影響。方法:13 名年輕的女性籃球選手(18±0.27 歲)參與本實驗,於訓練期、 比賽後 1 天和停止訓練 10 天後進行口服葡萄糖耐受度 (OGTT)、血液總膽固醇和肌酸激酶濃度檢測。結果: 受試者於 10 天停止訓練後,空腹、第 50 和 80 分鐘血糖值及血糖曲線下面積皆顯著提高 (p < .05)。訓練期 血液肌酸激酶濃度顯著高於停止訓練 60%,可能具有肌肉損傷的情況。此外,訓練期 OGTT 第 30 分鐘血糖 值與身體質量指數達顯著正相關 (r = 0.61, p < .05),但停止訓練 10 天後 OGTT 各時間點血糖值與身體質量 指數未達相關。結論:短期停止訓練導致籃球選手葡萄糖耐受度下降,此反應與肌肉損傷改善和身體質量指 數沒有關聯。


Since body composition or fat storage is considered as an important confounding factor to glucose tolerance, it is unclear whether short-term detraining may influence these factors. This study was aimed to investigate the effect of 10-day detraining on glucose tolerance and creatine kinase in female basketball players. Thirteen female elite basketball players aged 18±0.27 yrs participated in this study. Oral glucose tolerance test and blood creatine kinase were monitored during training, after competition and 10-day after the last training bout. Fasting glucose was significantly (p<.05) increased after 10-day detraining. Following 75-gram of oral glucose ingestion blood glucose values were also elevated significantly (p<.05) after 10-day detraining at 50 min and 80 min time points. Blood creatine kinase was 60% greater in trained state than in detrained state, which suggests that greater muscle damage during training. The glucose values at 30 min during OGTT was associated with BMI in trained state (r=0.61, p<.05), but no relationship between four-point glucose level during OGTT and BMI in detrained state. These data concludes that the reduction of glucose tolerance following 10-day detraining was not associated with BMI and muscle damage in female basketball players.


muscle damage BMI insulin resistance


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