  • 期刊


Evaluation of Economic Benefits of Triathlon Competition


近年來鐵人三項運動在全球掀起熱潮,不僅吸引成千上萬的運動愛好者投入,更帶動無數商機。有鑑於此,本研究目的為檢測臺灣最大規模的鐵人賽「天利盃2016 宜蘭梅花湖鐵人三項錦標賽」整體經濟效益。以問卷調查法施測,回收有效樣本511 份,並以經濟影響評估法分析產業關聯效果。所得結果指出:消費投入產出投資報酬率達241%,且不論產出、所得或就業效果,皆以「住宿及餐飲業」比例最高。此外,「藝術/娛樂及休閒服務業」亦為核心消費項目之一,而「批發及零售業」相對貢獻度較低。本研究獲得結論為:住宿及餐飲業為經營鐵人三項賽會不可或缺消費選項,亦為其他產業部門發展火車頭,因此未來舉辦賽會應設法延長參賽者的停留時間以增加效益。另可採用多元報名誘因以吸引參賽選手,擴大產出效果。


In recent years, the triathlon competition has gained global attraction. Triathlon championship is not only attracting sports enthusiasts, but also creating new sport industry. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the economic benefits of 2016-Yilan Triathlon Championship, the largest triathlon competition in Taiwan. We used questionnaire survey, and received 511 valid samples for the assessment of economic impact. The results from this study showed that the returned investment of triathlon championship was 241%. In particular, the accommodation and food industries accounted for the largest proportion regardless of the profit output, income and employment. On the other hand, arts, entertainment and recreation industries contributed as the major consumption during the event. The retail and wholesale industries had minor contribution. This study concludes that accommodation and food industries are the indispensable factors in organizing the triathlon event, and may create additional needs to perpetuate other industries to boost the local economic development. Extending of the time for triathlon participation diversifying enrollment type could be a practical strategy to maximize the economic benefits of the triathlon competition.


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