  • 期刊


The Effects of Teaching Activities for Developmentally Delayed Children



本研究旨在探討自編「發展遲緩幼兒教學活動」之六領域各一個活動單元,對於三至五歲發展遲緩幼兒之應用成效。採單一受試實驗研究法之跨行為多基準線設計,以臺北市內湖兒童發展中心三至五歲組各二名發展遲緩幼兒為研究對象,本研究依受試之年齡、性別及課程介入需求,分成實驗組與對照組兩組,以進行四個月「發展遲緩幼兒教學活動」之實驗研究,並以「發展遲緩幼兒教學活動之課程本位評量表」、「Portage早期教育檢核表」、「嬰幼兒發展測驗」及「兒童學習行為觀察」為研究工具,所得資料採前後測進步百分比、發展年齡、進步項數之資料分析,以及質的分析方式進行處理。主要結果發現為:(1)實驗組三位受試者在接受「發展遲緩幼兒教學活動」的六個活動單元之後,在「發展遲緩幼兒教學活動之課程本位評量表」、「Portage 早期教育檢核表」及「嬰幼兒發展測驗」的表現,較未接受教學進步,其中此三位受試在「發展遲緩幼兒教學活動之課程本位評量表」之社交得分的進步表現最為明顯:實驗組受試A之進步百分比為27.9%、實驗組受試B之進步百分比為22.7%、實驗組受試C之進步百分比為28.0%,以及此三位受試在「嬰幼兒發展測驗」之身邊處理及社會性的進步項數較多,並且其進步總項數皆分別多於對照組三位受試,同時在「兒童學習行為觀察」分析中,此三位受試在社交方面的進步情形最為顯而易見,故此三者結果可相互呼應,(2)實驗組三位受試在「Portage早期教育檢核表」之進步總項教皆分別多於對照組三位受試,實驗組三位受試在「發展遲緩幼兒教學活動之課程本位評量表」及「兒童學習行為觀察」的效果在維持階段仍能持續保留。研究者根據上述結果,分別在課程內容及未來研究方面,提出可行的建議。




The major purpose of this study was to explore the effect of teaching activities for developmentally delayed children. A reversal with multiple-baseline design across subjects was used. Six students age 3 to 5 children from a child center for delayed preschoolers were selected as subjects to participate in a four months experimental teaching Data were gathered from self-designed curriculum-based checklist Portage early education program's checklist Denver Developmental Screening Test and direct observation of children's learning behaviors and analyzed by using pre-posts increased percentage, developmental age increased items and qualitative method.The results were as follows:1. After instruction, experimental group's scores in curriculum-based checklist. Portage earl) education program's checklist, Denver Developmental Screening Test increased. The social scores was highest in curriculum-based checklist, the increased percentage of experimental subject A was 27.9%, experimental subject B was 22.7%, experimental subject C was 28.0%. The self-care and social skill scores of the experimental subjects was highest in Denver Developmental Screening Test. Their increased Hems were more than matched subjects. The social performance was the best in direct observation of children's learning behaviors.2. The increased items of experimental group's scores were more than matched group in Portage early education program's checklist.3. The scores of three subjects in experimental group in maintain stage in designed curriculum-based checklist and direct observation of children's learning behaviors had maintained effect.According to the results, some suggestions for the instruction, curriculum design and future studies were made in this study.




