  • 期刊


The Study on the Development and Effects of Interpersonal Interaction Curriculum for Students in Inclusive Classrooms





The purpose of this research was to conduct a one-year study to develop and examine the effects of an interpersonal interaction curriculum on advancing interpersonal interaction between students with disabilities and their nondisabled peers. An interpersonal interaction curriculum was developed and implemented in natural settings for an experimental group of elementary students with disabilities and their nondisabled peers. The effects of the program was examined compared with pre-tests.The results displayed that the implementation of interpersonal interaction curriculum could help nondisabled students to understand and accept their peers with disabilities. Besides, it could advance communication skills of students with disabilities, and improve their relationships with their nondisabled peers.Regarding the effects of interpersonal interaction curriculum, this study demonstrated that social preference indices increased and social status changed from ”being rejected” or ”being ignored” to ”average” for two of six participants with disabilities on sociometrics rated by nondisabled peers. The social preference indices increased, but social status has not been changed for three participants with disabilities. In addition, on the rating of peer preference scale, there was advancement for two participants with disabilities after the implementation of interpersonal interaction curriculum. All participants had improvements on the children social interaction skills scale rated by teachers, and the observation forms of interpersonal interaction behaviors. Finally, the researchers made recommendations on the development of interpersonal interaction curriculum, the inclusion practices, and future research.


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謝彬彬(2008)。以遊戲建構人際互動情境對增進國小 自閉症學童社會適應能力之研究〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2008.00408
