  • 期刊


Nursing Care for Pain in AIDS Patients



由於人類免疫缺乏病毒(human immunodeficiency virus;HIV)感染和免疫力下降導致的伺機性感染以及細胞癌性病變,和藥物等治療相關因素,均導致愛滋病患經歷全身各系統的疼痛問題,估計28-88%之愛滋病患有需要處理的疼痛問題,但約有85%未受到適當的處理,而對愛滋病患之身體、心理等各方面有負向的衝擊。本文除探討愛滋病患疼痛之導因與症狀,亦探討愛滋病患各種疼痛的藥物處置,如依據世界衛生組織規定之三階段用藥原則和注意事項等,以呈現目前有關愛滋病患疼痛處置之相關資訊;此外也提供愛滋病患疼痛之護理評估表,以及各項具體可行之護理措施,期望藉由增進愛滋病患疼痛護理的臨床實用性,以提升愛滋病患的照護品質。


HIV infection, opportunistic infection due to immunodeficiency, malignance pathology and antiretroviral therapy are the factors that cause pain in AIDS patients. 28-88% of AIDS patients need assistance to deal with their pain. However, 85% of AIDS patients complain of inadequate pain care. This article discusses the causes and symptoms of pain in AIDS patients, as well as pain management suggested from WHO allocation. Additionally, this article displays the nursing assessment of pain and nursing intervention. Feasible and specific pain management should make it possible to improve care quality for AIDS patients.


AIDS patients HIV nursing care for pain


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