  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of Land Value Increment Tax and Capital Gain Tax




Land Value Increment Tax has contributed a lot to our local government finance for a long time; however, it causes a series of problems too. Among them the gravest one is the underestimation of tax base due to tax competition, which in turn results in some tax loss to our national treasury. Some suggest that Capital Gain Tax be used to replace this long-practiced system. After a simulation and study, we find that the one system produced none the more resources allocation of efficiency than the other system. Besides, from the perspective of fiscal decentralization, it is unadvisable that the government monopolizes capital gain tax and stops collecting land value incremental tax. Apart from competitive disadvantage in global economy, it will cause severe damage to financial self-sufficiency of the local government. In view of tax administration, Land Value Increment Tax is also preferable than Capital Gain Tax for less tax delinquency. For all its merits, this system still needs improving. A moderate measure the government has to take is to assess land value adequately, on the basis of which subsidy is offered. A more active measure is to make people more aware of benefits of local tax to home-village development by means of several modern appraisal approaches, such as hedonic price approach geographic information system.


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