  • 期刊

Medical Libraries and Problem Based Leaning: New Challenges and Opportunities



本文主旨在經由文獻分析探討醫學校院圖書館在醫學教育革新浪潮-「問題導向學習」(problem-based learning, PBL)的環境中所應扮演的新時代角色,以及如何積極地扮演該角色,期能在資訊科技日新月異和組織資源日益緊絀的情形下,有效地展開圖書館和館員的新使命,更深刻地融入醫學課程的規劃以及與師生的需求互動,使有關的教師、學生,乃至於醫護同仁都得到教學、學習和醫療方面所需的資訊,更重要地,促成這些圖書館資源利用者都能充分明瞭和自主利用館方的各項資源,以順利達成「問題導向學習」過程中的諸多目標。本文從圖書館資源指引、相關資訊科技、館藏問題和館員角色等方面進行說明和討論。


This article explores the changing role of the medical library and librarians in the context of problem-based learning in terms of five aspects impacts on medical libraries, library instruction, technology, the collection, and the new role of the librarians. For the libraries, the role change process is ongoing rather than a single event. The medical school and the library must collaborate and interact in the areas of curriculum design, communications, and library user education. In addition, administrative supports such as budgets, staffing, and building space of the library are always in demand.


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