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Ideal and Compact Cities:The Concept of Border Spaces


今日的城市早已不是過去被城牆圍著的城區,而是由巨型城市和大量中小城鎮及其周圍農林業地區所構成的大都會區或城鄉聚集區,這種新的城鄉空間型態與結構,在人類歷史上是前所未有的。隨著工商業與物流系統的快速發展,這些城市不論其規模大小,幾乎毫無例外地都發生了內部經濟與社會結構上的變革,相對的人們從生活方式到價值觀念都起了變化,其中最為顯著的因素是生活空間的形態、居住環境的密集度、以及自然生態的改變,這幾項具體可見的變化控制了人類各式各樣的生活圈領域,也就是圈域空間的規模。國際上已經有很多學者投入圈域空間的研究,但畢竟圈域是受地域性的直接影響,針對某地區的生活圈之間的研究,仍然需要量身的訂做才是務實之本。 一般性探討圈域空間的涵意,可以從圈域的空間形態(幾何研究)、與社會經濟的變動因素(社會科學)兩方面同步進行,再按照對象地區的社經背景來規劃城市的發展方向。無論城市如何的發展,如果能有效掌握空間與社經因素的微妙關係,可能是從事圈域空間研究的最佳福音,在此,除了圈域內部本身必須掌握以外,各種形態的圈域空間之間的「界線空間」,很有可能成為另一種層面的思考主題。因為界線空間仍然是一種不甚明確的空間,但它的在存則完全依附在圈域空間的結構上,又在都市計畫的進程上,加入界線空間在觀念上的調控與處理,或許就能夠理想地處理都市化的工作。 本文仍企圖從廣義解釋的理想主義的空間觀,思考台灣地區的空間架構,同時引用相關的都市發展案例,觀察並了解其都市土地的運用方式;繼而探討城鄉等界線空間之演化及組合等整體思維,廣泛思考地方生活圈的組合,及其所能形成的特徵。


The city of spatial sphere (it may also be called the contemporary city) has not been fully through yet. In spite of all the good will and good intensions of its protagonists, it has remained either a project or a theory waiting for further development. As today’s cities, there are not bounded with any walls or borders. At the same time, people in all sorts of places are probing new concepts of local action, implementing urban projects and developing new ideas for a sustainable and just urban development. Idealism occurs in areas as diverse as urban ecology, social exclusion, local economics and community development, public space, urban culture and participatory planning. All of these activities explore open visions for the renewal of the most important urban qualities: the creation of border spaces which might offer the possibility of mutual encounters and where the most diverse experiences and social projects can flourish. In almost all cities there are many changes on the population, the economic structure, or the political problem. At this point, we might suppose an organism as the use districts of a city which be happened inside those border spaces with the followings; to pull, to push, to swallow, or to fuse to each other. And then, as biological organisms and as social agents we live within spatial zones bounded by natural and artificial extensive boundaries, that is, within zones that extend in space or time up to a limit marked by a borderline. On the other hand, if architecture searches for new modes and new typologies from the same experimental potential inherent in the difficult borderline conditions themselves, then it can become an instrument for the cultural transformations struggling today to occur. Border spaces are an urbanized and infrastructural field, in which it is impossible to distinguish between built and un-built environment. The process of modernization has gone so far that the whole world has become a second nature, incorporating artifacts, techniques and the original nature and generating a oneness. Border spaces do not necessarily have a high density of buildings, but a high intensity of forms of appropriation. It establishes a relationship between the city and the landscape, where they are not separated anymore, but parts of the whole that is our contemporary context. Since the ultimate aim is to provide an ideal thinking of every living areas between the cities to inform new spatial interventions, it is highly desirable that the combination of urban group spaces of borderlines be electronically reproducible with dynamic spatial map. The further research aims to produce a hypermedia databank dedicated to the ongoing research on the between of spatial spheres and border spaces at the northern Taiwan.


