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The Cluster Map Change of Transportation Manufacturing Industry in Taiwan


本研究援引產業關聯分析並結合熱點分析(hot spot analysis)方法所發展之空間集中指標,利用行政院主計處1981年、1991年、2001年三個時間點之產業關聯分析,辨別汽車業與船舶業之主要關聯產業,再結合同時期工商普查資料及空間圖層資料,據以瞭解汽車業與船舶業之主要關聯產業變化及其在空間分佈型態、空間集中分散程度之變化。研究結果發現,主要關聯產業之組成隨時間變遷並無太大變化,另方面,在群聚版圖上,汽車製造相關產業主要集中於北部地區;船舶製造相關產業主要集中於南部地區。而空間集中指標應用於產業群聚的現象,相較於其他指標,更能顯示產業及其與主要關聯產業間的空間鄰接性。


This research combined industry linkage analysis with hot spot analysis to generate a spatial concentration indicator. By utilizing the industry linkage analysis data of 1981, 1991 and 2001 from Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and statistics, Executive Yuan, to identify the industries are connected to the automobile manufacturing industries and ship manufacturing industries. Meanwhile, incorporate with the census data and spatial layer of each year, to analyze the change of spatial pattern, the level of spatial concentration, and linkage industries of automobile manufacturing industries and ship manufacturing industries. Related background of automobile and ship manufacturing industries is interrelated referred to find out the implication to spatial analysis result. Research results find that the linkage industries had no great change with time, in the other hand, the automobile manufacturing industries and its linkage industries are concentrated in northern area of Taiwan, the ship manufacturing industries and its linkage industries are concentrated in southern area of Taiwan. To apply of spatial concentration index can show the situation of centralized more than other indexes.


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