  • 期刊


Study on Social Justice in Taiwan's Education from the Perspective on M-type Society


「M型社會」是全球普遍的發展趨勢,乃指富裕與安定的中產階級大部分正向下沈淪為中、下階級,左邊的窮人變多,右邊的富人也變多,但是代表中間的中產階級,卻忽然往下陷,導致各國人口的生活方式,從倒U型轉變為M型社會。在台灣也逐漸有M型社會現象,在家庭投資與支援、城鄉教育資源、學生學習成就等三方面都呈現教育雙峰現象。 本文以Rawls的正義論來探討教育之公平與正義,分析中國、美國、加拿大與台灣對弱勢學童教育政策之實施,做為改善台灣相關教育政策之參考,亦提出台灣教育可行的教育策略,包括1、實踐公平正義的資源分配,2、實施補償教育,落實評估回饋,3、重建關懷倫理,避免標籤化效果,4、重視教育投資,反對教育商品化,5、擴大服務範疇,推動整合性服務,6、發揮家庭教育功能,突破階級再製,以建構一個公平和正義的教育體系。


”M-type Society” is the trend of global development. It means that most of the rich and steady bourgeois are declining to middle-low class. The left and the right of the M-type society stand for the poor people and rich people. The middle standing for the middle plunges into lower class all of a sudden. Therefore, the society type transforms from upside down U to M. Taiwan's society is like an M-type gradually. It shows bimodal distribution phenomenon of education in three aspects: the difference in family educational investments and back-up systems, the gap between the resources of urban and rural division, and the difference in students' learning achievement. The study aims to explore the educational fairness and justice by using a theory of justice of Rawls. In addition, the analysis of the practice of the educational policy for underprivileged children in China, USA, and Canada with an aim at improving the educational policy of Taiwan includes 1. to carry out resource allocation with fairness and justice; 2. to implement supplementary education, and evaluate the performance and feedback; 3. to reconstruct care ethics and avoid labeling effect; 4. to value the investment of education and oppose commercialized education; 5. to enlarge service area and boost integrated service; 6. to develop family function and break through class reproduction for building up a fair and justice educational system.


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黃夢萱(2016)。就業歧視禁止之界限─ 論就業歧視禁止項目與差別待遇之正當理由〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201610027
