  • 期刊


Teacher Evaluation Implications, Problem and Challenge


教育改革的理想要透過教師的實踐,方能在教育現場有效的轉化。教育要能符合社會的脈動,滿足社會需求,培育具競爭力的現代國民,需要從根本的提升教師素質做起。在面對社會變遷迅速、知識日益暴增、價值日益多元的教育改革浪潮中,如何協助教師專業成長,增進教師專業素養,保持高度的專門知能與專業態度,進而提升教師專業形象,突顯教師社會地位,提升教學品質,是學校永續經營發展的必要作為。 教師專業化與教師素質的提升是教育改革能否成功的關鍵。無論是教師專業化、抑或教師素質的提升,都有賴教師評鑑功能的發揮。教師評鑑是改善與維繫教師素質管理之核心,教師評鑑一方面是對教師個人專業表現予以檢討與分析,以激勵教師專業成長,進而改善教學實務,確保教師有更多的自信與同事有更佳的專業關係,更好的課程與教學規劃,更適當的生涯展望。 教師評鑑需要教育學者專家對於評鑑規準、程序、工具的鑽研;需要教育行政人員有落實教師評鑑的決心與遠見;需要教師體認教師評鑑對其專業表現的肯定;需要家長對教師評鑑的支持與督促教育行政機關訂定教師評鑑制度;最重要的是立法機關早日將教師評鑑列入教師法修正條文,讓教師評鑑工作的推動有法源依據。


In order to effectively transform schooling, it's critical part of teachers to achieve educational reform. Education has to match up the impulse of the whole society and to meet society's needs. Education focuses on fostering modern citizens with competitiveness and the core factor is quality teachers. Facing rapid social change and accumulation of knowledge and diversification of multiple value, the educational reform has to focus on how to enhance teachers' quality-including professional development and manners, and trying to lead to professional image and ultimately, to the high quality teaching and school's sustainable development. Professionalism and quality of teacher are the keys to successful education reform, including teachers' professionalism and upgrading quality teaching, both are dependent on evaluation of teachers. Evaluation of teachers matters much in managing quality teaching force. Evaluation is to revise and analyze teachers, individually professional development and growth. Then, teaching gets improved, on the other hand, teachers get more confidence and collegial relationship can be better. And in implementation, there comes better curricula and teaching practice. Evaluation of teachers are consisted of scholars and experts whose criteria, procedure and tools reinforcement. Evaluative take administrators' decisiveness. Teachers need to recognize that evaluation of teachers is a confirmation of their professional perform, parents have to understand, support and monitor the administration in system-building in evaluation of teachers. First of all, the legislature needs to include evaluation un the amendment of Teachers' Art and makes evaluation of teachers legal.


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