  • 期刊


The New Thought of Principal's Leadership: A Reflection on Web-based Learning Community in E-Era


網路的出現與發展,改變了人類有史以來傳統的生活方式與思考模式,將原本侷限在有限實體空間的思維,導入了另一個無窮浩瀚的虛擬時空中。在網路化的組識中,時間、距離與空間變得較不重要,網路化組識可以在任何時間、任何地點進行學習與領導。 校長是學校的靈魂主腦,也是學校發展的領航者,肩負著教育革新與學校經營績效的重責大任。時下的校長,如想成功的執行校長其應盡的義務,就必須充分的發揮其領導能力與其應有的專門知能來經營學校。校長如何運用有效的科學方法,對於學校內人、事、財、物等業務,做最妥善而適當的處理;如何掌握科技趨勢與變革脈絡,建立一所有效能的學校,不僅達成教育目標,更能面對一連串組識的變革。 資訊網路迅速發展,勢必帶動未來組識生態的改變。面對瞬息萬變的。世代,校長的領導必須裝備足夠的專業知識與提昇本身的資訊素養,校長如何透過網路與資訊科技,精進自我的專業知能,以期營造一個活潑生動、主動積極的環境,謀求學校永續經營,已是時代潮流所趨。


The widespread popularity of web-based since its immersion has changed and inflected all aspects of human life. The multi-layers of everyday life and thoughts patterns have accordingly changed what traditional ways were. Once limited, ”concrete” world has been shifted to a ”virtuous”, seemingly unlimited new world. Organizations related to web-based technologic thus become less constrained by time, space and their distance. By, and through internet, organizational learning and leadership become the reality. School principals are the pilots with responsibility on their shoulders. They have the obligation to lead to upgrade schools, effective management and high quality and performance of instruction and learning. Principals, in the pursuit of success in leadership, have to be very competent and capable and well-equipped with professional skills. It’s crucial for effective principals to apply scientific approaches in running a school administration. And the routine jobs include structuring professionals, staff, delegation, financing and resource allocation…etc. Competent principals are science-literary. They get the perception of the idea what transformation has to do with leading school development. They need to get ready to encounter the challenges. Rapid development and progress in information technology also reshapes the status of organization ecology. Nothing, if any, remained the same as they once were. Facing with the enormous, ever-changing world, leadership pf principals could be improved by more professional ability (of course, information technology skills). Principals who are well-prepared and skillful in handling computer and internet are more talented and effective in establishing a vivid, viable, active, positive and sustainable school circumstance. This is an inevitable trend now and in the future.


Abrahamsson, K.,A. C. Tuijnman (ed.)(1996).International encyclopedia of adult education and training.Oxford:Elsevier Science.
Longworth, N.,Davies, W. K.(1996).Lifelong learning.London:Kogan Page.


