  • 期刊


7-Eleven Never Closed: Story of a New Immigrant in the School versus Organizational Commitment


學校是鬆散結合的雙重系統組識,教師與學生教學相長的場域,「職員」如同學校的「新移民」,因背景、任用、訓練等文化、價值與教師之問存有差異,有些無形的標籤,悄然成形、烙印上身,就像台灣新移民,多數處在「光亮」外的角落;但,有些人就是不一樣,同樣的體制下卻發展出不同的氛圍。 本研究採民族誌(ethnography)的研究方法,於98年2月至4月進入南島大學田野,以參與觀察、深度訪談作為資料蒐集的主要方法,研究一位具公務員身分的學校職員小羊,他在南島大學擔任職員的意義以及他對學校的情感與忠誠關係,小羊在南島大學的故事,告訴我們「學校新移民」不只是學校「新移民」,他是一位「全速者」,他與學校的關係,訴說著他作為一位大學「職員」的意義。


While school is a double systematic organization with loose linkups and an arena for teachers and students to grow both in teaching and learning, the ”staff” would look like as new immigrants in the school. And since there are different cultures and values such as backgrounds, appointments and trainings, no wonder it would have some discrepancies between the staff and teachers, therefore some invisible labels would be quietly formed and stamped on the staff as Taiwan new immigrants who are at large located in the corners outside the shining places. Nevertheless some new immigrants are quite different who always could develop distinct aura in such same system. This study used ethnographic research methods (mainly participant observation as well as in-depth interview) and entered the field of South Pacific Island University from February to April 2009 to collect data which principally researched one staff called ”Little Sheep” who gets public servant certification, the meaning of his employment in the university and his affection as well as commitment to the academy. His story tells us ”a new immigrant in the school” is not a new comer only, but a man in high gear, and the relationship between him and the academy refers to the meaning of being a university ”staff”.


林明地譯、Wayne K. Hoy、Cecil G. Miskel、麥格羅希爾著(2003)。教育行政學:理論、研究與實際。高雄:麗文。
林明地、楊振昇、江芳盛譯、Robert G. Owens著(2000)。教育組織行為。臺北:楊智文化。
