  • 期刊


Study of the 40th Anniversary of the Ruling Expo in Taiwan: Background, Scale and Publicity


昭和10年(1935),是日本殖民台灣的第四十年,日本人為展現四十年來在台灣實施的各項建設成果以及宣揚日本天皇之德澤,於是配合治理台灣四十週年紀念活動,乃於同年的10月10日至11月28日間舉辦一場國際性之「始政四十週年紀念臺灣博覽會」。 本研究以「文獻調查」及「田野調查」的方法,探討「始政四十週年紀念臺灣博覽會」的背景、規模、宣傳計畫及會場設施與各項視覺傳達設計相關之表現。由於研究的資料相當的龐大,因此,研究的成果預計以三篇發表,本篇為第一篇,主要探討的內容為「臺灣博覽會」展出的背景、規模與宣傳計畫(第二篇為展覽會場與設施,第三篇為視覺傳達設計)。研究結果發現:(1)日本政府有意藉此博覽會的展出,讓國際各國知曉日本政府建設臺灣的各種進步情形,同時藉此凝聚台灣民眾對日本政府的向心。(2)此博覽會展現日本帝國之壯大風範,以做 為其「南進政策」之跳板。(3)此博覽會的展出規模龐大,宣傳組織嚴密及計畫詳細,且應用當時各項宣傳媒體甚為完備。


Shou-Wa 10th year(1935) marks the 40th anniversary of Japanese colonization of Taiwan. To demonstrate accomplishments on the island over the last forty years and to propagate the good of the Japanese emperor, the 40th Anniversary of the Ruling Expo in Taiwan is held between October 10 to November 28 for the 40th anniversary of ruling activities. In this research, a 'literature survey' and 'field study' has been used to explore the background, scale, publicity planning, pavilion, facility, and performances in visual communication design of the Expo. Due to the huge data extrapolated in the research, the results will be presented in three sections. This paper is concerned with the first section with focus on the background, scale and publicity planning of the exposition. (The second section: Pavilion and Facility, the third section: Visual Communication Design.) Research results indicate: (1) the Japanese goverment intended to demonstrate the advancement that took place in Taiwan under her ruling, and to consolidate the loyalty of Taiwanese to the Japanese government; (2) to display the strength of the Japanese empire as a springboard of the 'Southward Policy'; and, (3)the scale of the exposition was big; the publicity, organization and planning were detailed; and all media outlets available at that time were employed.


