  • 期刊


Impact of Interactivity and Multimedia Richness of the Landing Page at a Microsite on Advertising Effectiveness



網路廣告的互動性及豐富性(含多媒體特性及音效),常是網路研究學者感興趣的議題,然而現有研究鮮少對其程度加以清楚定義。本研究將互動性定義為高、中、低三級,多媒體效果則定為純文字、靜態圖片、Gif動畫、Flash動畫四級,並區分音效之有無。研究中以聯合分析法及變異數分析法,針對廣告訊息回憶與確認、廣告評價、購買意願、觀看時間四種廣告效果評量項目進行實驗與評估。 研究發現,互動性與多媒體效果越佳,一般而言廣告效果越好。但是對廣告訊息記憶效果而言,低度互動性有較高程度的廣告訊息記憶,高度互動性反而較差。有音效者的廣告效果皆略高於無音效者。由變異數分析得知,互動性與多媒體效果,對各廣告效果均有顯著影響力,但音效則只對廣告評價與購買意願,造成顯著影響。經聯合分析法得知,對提昇「廣告訊息回憶與確認」得分,互動性具有約25%的影響力,多媒體效果則有超過50%的影響力,而音效約有22%的影響力。對「廣告評價」得分,互動性有約34%的影響力,多媒體效果則有約50%的影響力,音效影響力則約為16%;對「購買意願」得分而言,互動性約具有19%的影響力,多媒體效果則有約55%的影響力,音效有26%的影響力;對「觀看時間」而言,互動性約具有66%的影響力,而多媒體約為30%,音效的影響力不到10%。 整體而言,除「廣告訊息回憶與確認」效果外,互動性越高廣告效果越好。此外,互動性對「觀看時間」有極大的影響力,而多媒體效果對所評估的各廣告效果皆有正面影響。使用音效的廣告,廣告效果皆略佳於無音效者。


How the interactivity and richness (including graphics and sound effects) of an internet-based advertisement affect its advertising effectiveness is one of the issues that draw much interests from many researchers. Due to the lack of clear definitions about the level of interactivity or the degree of richness, the conclusions obtained in the researches could not be easily interpreted. This research defines three levels (low, medium and high) of interactivity, distinguishes among four levels (text, static graphics, GIF animations, and Flash animations) of graphic richness, and separates whether sound effects are present or not. A fractional factorial design, with sixteen landing pages that represent different combinations of the levels of three factors (interactivity, graphic richness, and sound effect), is employed to study the factors' relative contributions to advertising effectives. The advertising effectiveness is evaluated in four aspects-the recall of advertising messages, the valuation of advertisement, the intent of purchase, and the viewing time. A total number of 101 subjects participated in the survey. The results from this research show that, in general, the higher the level of graphic richness, and the higher the level of interactivity, the better the advertising effectiveness. In terms of recall of advertising messages, advertisements with low level of interactivity produce better results than those with high level of interactivity. However, a high level of interactivity entices the subjects to spent significantly longer time in viewing the advertisement (but not remembering the text messages), and seems to have much influence on the final selection of the actual product.
