  • 期刊


A Study on Recognition and Memory of Shape




Designers often apply various techniques to design objects' shapes in their design processes. The purpose of this study is to investigate observers' cognitive attitudes and degrees of comprehensions towards these different shapes. In the experiment, thirty visual stimuli were used for testing purposes. The variables are ”shape-processing technique” and ”the number of structure branch.” The results of this study are: (1) Among the six shape-processing techniques, observers' shape memory and recognition ability would not be changed as the number of structure branch increased. However, when the shape-processing techniques were applied in order, there existed a significant difference in the number of structure branch regarding observers' shape memory and recognition ability (P=.016). (2) Among the five different structure branches, there existed a significant difference in six shape-processing techniques pertaining to observers' shape memory and recognition ability (P=.048). Nonetheless, as the number of structure branch became less, its influence tended to be insignificant (P=.486). On the contrary, as the number of structure branch increased, its influence tended to be significant (P=.003). (3) There existed no significant difference in the interaction between the variables of ”three groups of shape-processing techniques” and ”five different structure branches.” (4) There existed no significant difference in observers' design backgrounds. This study has provided more evidence about the influence of structure complexity and shape-processing techniques on observers' shape memory and recognition ability.


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