  • 期刊


A Study on the Complex Cognition of Shape with Reference to Shape Memory




This study is a fundamental approach of shape complexity with regard to shape memory. Participants were asked to recognize and memorize one shape stimulus, then to select the same shape from another nine random shapes. We use subjects' correct answer rate of recognition memory task to evaluate the degree of shape complexity. The results showed that: 1.The shape complexity rose following the increase number of sub-shape that contained in whole shape. 2. For geometric shapes, below five sub shapes, the shape memory tasks still did not reach the threshold of subjects' ability. For irregular shapes, when the shape contain more than two sub shapes, it became difficult to memory the shapes for subjects. 3. Shape complexity rose according to the increase of edge number of whole shape. 4. The design background did not influence the shape memory task significantly. 5. The shape's type and number of sub-shape significantly influence shape memory task. Their interactive effect significantly influence shape memory task too. Other factors and interactions have no significant influence. The shapes with arrange method by rule have significantly influences for shape memory task.


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